I turn the jar upside down resting on the lid, then using a spoon handle, slightly jimmy the lid rim outside on a few places. This usually does the trick.
I turn the jar upside down resting on the lid, then using a spoon handle, slightly jimmy the lid rim outside on a few places. This usually does the trick.
Better yet, just raise the minimum wage to a liveable wage and let the welfare queens pony up from their profits.
In a country where food is cheap, why not just deposit a few hundred dollars into everyone’s account if their tax filing is below a certain value. I think we have a big overhead trying to vet on who needs snap and who doesn’t. Just give them the damn money if they are filing taxes.
I recently jailbreaked my iphone 6 and the Cydia interface is shitty enough to keep me from using it.
I second that. My cousin is in MD and refuses to wear a seatbelt while ignoring the constant beeping of the monitor. He would rather listen to the annoying sound.
You can manage to have a semi-expensive lifestyle for less money if you are patient, ready to buy used and shop around, bargain etc.
You must be the 1%.
Yeah, I have ordered a 3rd party 3A charger from Amazon. Let’s see how that goes. I read online other people have no issues with 3rd party charger except that they would be somewhat slower.
Yeah, I have ordered a 3rd party 3A charger from Amazon. Let’s see how that goes. I read online other people have no…
I did not know I would see ping pong balls and cooking in the same sentence.
My OnePlus 3 has a 4A output fast charger with a thick red USB-C cable. It costs around $40 new. Does anyone know if I can buy a cheaper 3rd party charger with the same specs for around $20 and not risk my phone damaged?
My OnePlus 3 has a 4A output fast charger with a thick red USB-C cable. It costs around $40 new. Does anyone know if…
Lyn and PixelMator are 2 good free and cheap Photoshop alternatives respectively for basic photo editing. Lyn is a great photo browser with basic editing and EXIF support.
Organic: Won’t kill you immediately.
“Blocks don’t make noise, kids do.” - NTA (National Toys Association)
Java was created so that the average programmer does not shoot themselves in the foot.
Indian. Burial. Ground.
Who the f buys cheese from CVS?
One weird trick that Satan doesn’t want you to know!
The “uninstall” app.
I am really happy for Kanye and I am going to let him rest, but Donald Trump takes the crown of the most narcissistic person in the US.