Vegas En Fuego

Please, TIME, give him Person of the Year and drive the stupid fucking President into a ragestroke. Please, TIME, give him Person of the Year and drive the stupid fucking President into a ragestroke. Please, TIME, give him Person of the Year and drive the stupid fucking President into a ragestroke.

I miss the days when being an accused child molester got one kicked out of public society.

“Is there a calculator for people who don’t live permanently in the year 1990 and do actual modern contract work as a sole-proprietor LLC?”

I doubt they care. We need to stop assuming getting Trump elected was Putin’s goal. It was a bonus. No one thought he’d actually win. The goal was to destabilize a democracy. Frankly, there’s no better way to do that than show you did it and that the campaign you favored knew. It’s corruption, and Putin gets to say,

Also, the fact that we as the American people can’t be united in objecting to Russian interference is disturbing. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue, we should all be bothered by that fact. But people want their “team” to win or are completely apathetic to the whole thing. I just don’t where we can go from here.

With delight. This was always going to be a win-win-win for them.

I don’t think they will ultimately care. It’s win win for them. Even if the whole thing gets discovered part of their plan was to sew discord and erode faith in the democratic process and institutions, that has been a runaway success. And their trolls and bots are still out there with their misinformation campaigns

Am man, first Dries, now I have to say goodbye to Stewart? Shiiiiiiiiit. Best of luck out there!

Dodai was probably the first person from Kinja Fusion I first engaged with when that appeared.

I am part of a MAOS fan group that spent the Summer and Fall re-watching all four seasons. I know a lot of people left early because the show had to “mark time” a little until the Winter Soldier tie-in. I look at those early episodes as some adept character development, that the show has expanded on during its run.

SING MIKEY SING!!!! I will personally drive a bus to DC for you to throw people under! Name all the names! DOOO ITTT.

I’m surprised they saw it.

I’m all for it.


Robert Downey Jr’s contract has been up for awhile, but he keeps re-upping.

Great trailer, I’m hyped.

That’s certainly going to be A Moment in the film.