In other Barf Bag news:
In other Barf Bag news:
And because LOLGOP:
Data’s a little old but I’d seriously question PETA’s motives on the purpose of shelters.
Or at least keep their professional shit and their personal shit properly separated like everyone says you should.
tbf, for trans-oceanic trips, first class commercial is pretty hard to beat with a private jet without a. ton. of money to roll your own custom jumbo jet interior. Especially if you’re flying the top end carriers that offer things like in-flight showers or full-on multi-room suites.
I think Daisy Ridley’s dress is cool as hell. Am I wrong?
FYI, you’re replying to the troll Jujy (pimentoloaf), not the OG Jujy.
From the ioJez desk; would you give to charity for these shoes?
Friendly PSA: troll(s) are running rampant in the comments and impersonating known ungreyed commenters so do be sure to double-check who you’re starring and bringing out of the greys.
Just an FYI that you’re replying to the troll 2 Woke (raskafarianff) and not the OG 2 Woke (manolocatastrophe)
I’m half ‘howyoudoin.gif’ and half wishing I had the confidence (and physique, natch) to go to a media event in basically artfully arranged fishing net (Something something Hunger Games/the Capitol). But I suppose if you’ve got it, flaunt it.
Same. In my ideal home with room for a dedicated drinks fridge, that fridge would be bright red with SMEG across the front:
In fairness, even as a basketball player, Hakeem is a forkin’ tall dude at 7 ft while Simone is maybe? getting to 5 ft with the heels.
Eh, I’m not above getting a filet o fish on occasion (Especially when they do the double filets during Lent.) Yes, I’m fully aware it’s at the pinnacle of “food” by mass production; but as a memory of childhood, it’s just something that one wants from time to time.