
The White House’s official proposal would fund firearms training programs for school staff and strengthen criminal background and mental health checks.

The public education institution has been constantly attacked because

I actually thought he was great in Moonstruck also. And then, I stupidly walked in some movie he was in a few years ago, “Left Behind”, that I walked out of after 35 minutes. It was - no exaggeration - the worst 35 minutes of a movie I’ve seen in my life. And I saw Highlander 2 in the theater!

Except 1) Brett Ratner got canned, Joss himself left and 2) Joss had affairs, but has never been accused of “sexual misconduct.” They are two entirely different things.

That’s what I said. Golf courses and airports utilize the Border Collie effectively. If this was in Mid Michigan, I would submit a proposal. It’s my dream to retire early and make money with my dogs - by doing what they want.


She’s never been an anti-vaxxer, she’s questioned things because it was trending in society. She’s never said The Secret is anything but a possible tool, not the be-all end-all answer. She created a school meant to rival any exclusive boarding school in Europe or America for those girls so they would know and learn

I honestly don’t know much about the theater but you’re the second person to mention this one. Is more famous than other plays? Genuinely curious.

Oh, I think Karen Gillan could pull off a damn good Emma Peel and would likely leap at the chance. Mark Strong for Steed?

Wow! Very heist! Much impressed! Wow!

You’re probably right but it’s also almost certainly a coincidence in this case considering that one of them was on the lady’s HEAD.

I’ve been off the sauce for almost 2 weeks & I’m feeling really good so far. Just wanted to say that if any of my fellow jezzies need some motivation to quit drinking, I definitely recommend the stopdrinking subreddit. Great community there & lots of the stories really hit home for me.

*clutches chest* Oh, the irony!

10/10 would swipe which ever direction gives it all the treats.

With respect, go fuck yourself.

Short episode titles were a TNG era thing. TOS had plenty of long titles.

Could, but I don’t think we’d get up here enough to make it worthwhile. That’s an extra 30k a year in our pockets if we sell it. I kind of need a new vehicle.

Strongly disagree. Q is integral to TNG. While his early appearances are certainly a little rough, watching Picard and Q’s intellectual jousts was great fun.

I have a higher opinion of the character than you, but DeLancie certainly made Q. If anyone else had done the part it would have crashed and burned five seconds into Q’s first appearance, but he gave him that peculiar energy Q needed to jump off the screen - it took years for Trek writers to catch up in their