
It just gets better - even when you have no more fucks to give you find more of them to get rid of (63 but honorary millennial)

OK a doorknob, not helpful. All a higher power is, is the admission that there is something more powerful than yourself. You’re a power, it’s a higher power — that’s all. How about nature? They say you should pray? get in touch with nature. Feel overwhelmed? connect with nature. Need answers? nature/science/biology

It’s dreamy -- I can just ear her saying it! And I agree, I can’t wait to see this!

So, James Rico or Jane Rico or whatever seems like a good name! Or Torbin Rico :-)

They aren’t getting laid off, they accepted a handsome buyout that includes health insurance.

Wingless, that was my life for like 7 years. The best advice I got was to consult with/hire a geriatric care manager. She really saved my life and sanity the last two years my Dad was alive. They can connect you to home health aides and really anything, including in my case a podiatrist who made house calls — it might

One of the profs in my grad department was like this. We all knew to go to the bathroom before a meeting with him!

I like her — I really, really, like her!

This is because workplaces, restaurants, public transportation, hospitals, theatres, eentire college campuses, etc., etc., all of which allowed smoking back in the day (yes, hospitals) are now non-smoking spaces, and so smokers have to smoke outside where you can see them.

The college where I worked had a specially trained dog who would run around and chase them off without hurting them. Pay your taxes, dude, and hire thee a border collie!

my wife’s and my

What he did was kind of a variation of “swatting.” The police might charge him, he lied, misused the 911 system, and wasted police time. Of course this is all beside the main point, which is that you have had really horrible experience! You handled yourself very well.

Well, it won the Pulitzer prize for plays, and was later made into a film with Meryl Streep.

Tracy Letts is an actor and playwright, he wrote ‘August: Osage county.’

Why, huge neon florals of course!

Here’s advice: most women dislike being termed “females.”

:-) Stealth Egyptologist in the house :-)

it’s hieroglyphs :-)

Is it possible to keep your house now as a weekend/vacation place? Having your cake and eating it too seems possible here b/c of the free house in VC!

It’s definitely a weird picture. Of the hundreds I’m sure they must have shot, it’s kind of amazing that they chose that one because her chest looks super weird.