
ms-word .docx format makes a muc smaller file than the older .doc. If you have figures or diagrams, make sure they are saved in the smallest possible format - they might not be as pretty but graphics use up the lion's share of the kbs; regular text is very 'light.' You must have some high-density photos or figures

Sansa is going to see all the rest of them in the ground and will end up in a duel with Denarys :)

she is smizing!

The article states that study is on the effect of "deep space" - beyond the moon. No one has been out there yet (at least, no one from Earth).

Very well stated. The lack of historical awareness (yay the McCarthy Era!) is sad. I love vintage things from the thirties, forties and fifties but I *only* like the things. You have to be really really lucky (which we are) to forget how you got that lucky (other people's struggles). The women in that program have

Wasn't it the mother who legally purchased all the weapons?

You can still give them those things as birthday gifts, and it will all return when small children enter your family. But, I've enjoyed Christmas so much more since we ended exchanges between adults in our family.... once you get used to it, you might really love it.

Not preventing it, but the few minutes gained by the uproar he created is what allowed that teacher to put her kids in the closet, and many other classrooms to be able to be locked down, preventing him from being able to freely roam from room to room — like the Virginia Tech and Columbine shooters did. No system is

The sad part is, I think it is meant to be satire but it is so very fail.

Even if the parents DO have a dog, kids don't belong in a dog park. As soon a s a child enters the dog park I'm out of there, and jackass parents have basically ruined the dog park for me and my perfectly friendly dog.

His apology seems genuine. The rage felt by all of Korea over the deaths of two schoolgirls, run over by a tank in a training exercise in 2002, is an understandable reason for the group of singers to include that line in their song at that moment in time. I don't think we need to hypothesize a pawn in a bad

This post quotes a comment on the article cited that makes it appear to come from the article itself. As a professor of biblical studies I must point out that the claim made in that comment about the so-called "cult of Ephesus" being led by women is inaccurate. The city's tutelary deity was a goddess, yes - like a

What I never understand is why they keep doing it, unless a sufficiently rewarding percentage of women in fact *do* smile when ordered to. I've never met anyone who said "a stranger ordered me to smile on the street today, and it really made my day!" On the other hand studies do show that actually smiling can in

Women, y'all need to be able to make bookshelves and nightstands too; living debt-free increases peace of mind for everyone. Everything else? Here is rule #33 - quit laying down the law on the internet and go build a bookshelf for someone.

Neither article says anything about suing, relax, people. If you examine the first article it is easy to see why there might be trouble boarding her if her condition had worsened while in Hungary and she could no longer assist. Yes, if she was in Frankfurt - or Hungary or Prague, she could have gone to a hospital

I feel you, I have been there. You must pack the opening around the gas pipe with fine steel wool - it is the only thing they cannot chew through. It't nice and warm near those pilot lights and the gas pipe is how they get around. They can get through some unimaginably small cracks- use the end of a coat hanger to

It would be great is employers described their salaries as negotiable, but I suspect that males will still end up negotiating higher salaries because they are just more comfortable doing it. I think college career development offices as well as womens' professional societies need to be more active in teaching women

Well, he's charged with that for conspiracy to kidnap - I guess under the law that is kidnapping already. I'm thrilled they caught this guy before he actually kidnapped anyone and I guess they did it by nabbing the "co-conspirator," because otherwise - how do you catch people before they do things unless someone tips

It's not a collar - it's where the plastic around his neck abraded his fur and cut into his skin. Probably it will fade in time, but hopefully things like that don;t matter in the sea.

That was what I meant, but, of course you are correct.