
+1 here. ^_^

Conan is my hero

More fun than Brawl? Not an accomplishment worth much attention. More fun than Melee? You've piqued my interest and I wait with a healthy measure of dubiousness.

Honestly, the world just needs more awesome choral music like this in video games, but i love this song in particular. The buildup and flow of the tune really lend themselves to the idea of something growing and developing into something grand, starting small, and eventually becoming something that people can look on

It's just for the channel. Also, he's a pretty nice and articulate man OOC.

+1 for correct use of gorram in a sentance. You can't keep the sky from me, even if you're a moron like this guy.

Now playing

I'm gonna use this as an excuse to post the following:

My cat has a job, it's being super cute.

He's my favourite of all the Pokemon =)

Absol is a wicked cool looking pokemon. He was one of my favorite new pokemon from Ruby/Sapphire. I am glad he got a mega evolution. I don't quite have it yet, but I am sure eventually I will want him in my team, even if he doesn't really make it into higher tier competitive battles.

He has an Absol named Harbinger. That's enough to make him awesome in my eyes. A badass Pokemon, with a badass name that is 100% relevant to the Pokemon's myth.

Just get all your wives to jump in and you've basically got a beatdown going on.

British here, I pronounce it Zee because Zed makes me think of this guy:

Are you one of those people who hates fun things?

Must... work... Anita... Sarkeesian... into... every... conversation... rageboner... won't... go... down...

Ew dude, go clean up your feelings. They could stain.

The "musta been thinking of me" was pretty funny, since his stupid name fit the amount of characters perfectly. That was the only thing I found clever about this.

It might be inaccurate by your standards, but I don't know if idiot would be the right insult to throw (not that any insult is necessary)

To be fair, a lot of things didn't even occur to the executives at MS.