
and now another Game of Thrones actress is playing Sarah Connor

the plastic from the water bottles probably makes it less clean than what's on display here.

As has been stated, GFWL is in the process of being removed. The Steamworks version is available, but is brand new and being referred to as a beta at this point. It seems mostly playable but some people are having problems with crashing etc. Dark Souls II on the other hand never had GFWL and didn't have the framerate

On the other hand there was a game in the series with a black female protagonist, which was quite progressive, at least by the low standards of the video game industry.

Double Fine is reliable. They've been routinely finishing small games for the past several years. As for everyone else I suggest this rule: If an early access game it's worth playing in its current state then go ahead and buy in. But don't buy something now because it might be worth playing in the future after it's

Well you didn't seem to realize it was a joke and you wouldn't be able to see the irony without realizing it's a joke. If you do now realize it's a joke, then you probably don't know what irony actually means. It's a commonly misused word, not helped at all by Alanis Morissette. From Webster's College Dictionary:

Did you play Eternal Darkness for the Gamecube? Not really an RPG but it's epic and Lovecraftian.

Ok I'll spell it out for you. The author doesn't really hate men. She wrote that as a joke because she was writing an article about women pretending to hate men.

The article refers to it as an image. That doesn't mean it is the reality of the situation, just that it is what is perceived. There is likely a grain of truth in the image, which in this case may be based on things such as the kind of talk that is heard over chat in the best selling game series for the system, and

Wow, the article you linked is about the subject of ironic misandry... and you still failed to pick up on the ironic misandry. Why don't you stop spending your time victim blaming and spend it learning to have a sense of humor? You might sound a little less like Elliot Roger if you do.

Both K+M and controllers have their strengths and limitations. Some control schemes are not going to work well on a keyboard no matter what because of the inherent limitations a keyboard has. These days almost any multiplatform title comes to PC as well as consoles, which is a good thing for PC gaming. It does mean

You could also deduce that it's a timed exclusive because being a legitimate exclusive wouldn't have made much business sense. If there was no PS4 version and no PC version that would be millions in lost sales. For it to make any financial sense to Square Enix, Microsoft would have had to pay a sum of money greater

In terms of content there isn't a lot that the last generation can't do. Besides better visuals, the new generation can do things like make larger crowds which will benefit games like Assassin's Creed Unity and Dead Rising 3. But this new Tomb Raider probably wouldn't have become an open world game with large crowds

A few thoughts,

No, because I wouldn't blindly follow one list. I would more likely look into things a bit more and discover that I'm not very satisfied with this list.

Well in some instances they will add a game like Portal 2, when it is two years old and for the most part people have finished it and moved on. It is placed on the list because years later it is still a game that stands out in people's memory and will continue to be a fond memory in the future. Contrast that with

I feel like the list is kind of a Frankenstein of what's classic and what's hip right now. You had Half-Life 2 on the list, a 10 year old game that has probably been played by more Kotaku readers than not. Then there are spots that are rotating with games like Titanfall which was placed on the list when it was a month

The first Assassin's Creed game had quite a bit of freedom to carry out many of the assassination missions. The game over when you were seen by a guard thing didn't happen until the sequels. In the first game, the show went on and you had to chase down your target while he attempted to flee if you were spotted.