
If graphics don't matter then we wouldn't need a new generation of consoles. You can play Destiny on PS3 or Xbox 360 as well as most of the other games released this generation so far. So if people are buying a new system to play these games it's because they want a better looking version of the game. And when people

I'm not saying games are a wast of time. I'm saying bad games a waste of time. The time you spent playing single player in Battlefield 4 is time you could have spent playing a better game. There are enough games on the market that none of us will have time to play through them all. When you spend your time playing a

I feel like most shooters these days are either single player games with tacked on multiplayer or multiplayer games with tacked on single player. I am glad that Titanfall is disruptive to this trend. There are too many games that are overstuffed with content that may give players more things to do but do not add

What you call a tiny bit of parkour, I call completely changing your freedom of movement. In a typical shooter when there's a building in front of you, you walk around the building or maybe you walk inside the building and find a staircase to climb to the next floor, with a high likelihood of getting shot along the

I don't think it's a game to convert someone who doesn't like shooters. But I think it might be a good game to convert someone who likes shooters but not online multiplayer shooters.

That's not necessarily true. I mean if it's a multiplayer game that wasn't that great to begin with then people move on. On the other hand you can still go online and find a game of Halo 3 or Battlefield 2 even though they have multiple newer games in the series.

I felt like backwards compatibility was a bigger deal this time, because more so than any other previous generation, there were a lot of classic games re-released. When people are repurchasing HD remastered games, it means they want to be able to play the classics again, not just dispose of them and move on.

I'm not sure how you can call a battle system fast paced when it frequently involves waiting for a meter to fill up before you can do anything. Regardless, speed doesn't determine weather a system is fun or not. It's boring because most of the time it doesn't take very much skill or strategy. Most of the enemies in

I thought 5 was supposedly a return to a similar same style as 3.

Remember when Zynga was the wave of the future. King and their version of free-to-play is the new Zynga.

He probably doesn't mean literally everyone. Just enough of the market for the games not to be profitable.

Fighting games are the main selling point but arcade sticks are also good for some other types of games. Radiant Silvergun would be much harder without an arcade stick for example and it's nice for other retro style games such as Megaman 9&10.



If you want a good fight stick with Sanwa parts, you're probably not going to find one for under $100. If you want cheap, like $30-$40 then Hori is the most common manufacturer. Although the buttons and the stick aren't going to have the same quality of responsiveness as the expensive ones, it's still probably going

I don't really think DiveKick necessitates a $200 arcade stick.

Well it's certainly very pretty looking and sounding and has one of the better stories from classic RPG's. It has a major flaw that still plagues a lot of RPG's to this day in that the combat is kind of boring. No the game is not about the combat, but that only accentuates the problem because you still spend a lot of

This sounds like a rip off of Metal Gear Solid 2.

The mentalfloss article is not scientific enough to be the definitive word on the issue.

Your statement does not apply to racing games. 60FPS was very common in racing games.