
Jesus Christ you could use a drink...

Literally all of those things were answered

Pretty sure this is the first time Jack Posobiec and Mike Cernovich will ever be called SJWs....  

Except the disc rental service is still better than the streaming service. If you rent Blu Ray discs, the picture and audio quality is far better. With rare exceptions, you can get almost any movie or TV show that has been released on DVD/Blu-ray, whereas the streaming service has a rather limited selection.

Agreed - we need to know whether there is a headphone jack because I won’t touch a phone without it.

The problem is creating and pushing devices that are less functional for the sake of technology.

why do i have to buy new headphones or a new car if the current ones are perfectly functional, but my new phone is less functional?

Better try less hard, Tim, or user “This site sucks” might not have nice things to say about this site.



Holy shit, a woman can’t even write an article online without a guy telling her to smile.

I still hear west coast people, young and older, say Hella from time to time. Just because the linguo is not common in your area doesn't mean people don't say it elsewhere.

‘Hella’ is a thing kids on the west coast actually say / have been saying since I was a kid. It’s not that fake :P

Because of the clickbait news industry. Clickbait writers aren’t concerned with what is actually relevant or doing any real journalism, they are just trying to write something that will lure people into clicking on their article. Twitter has been a godsend to them. Instead of actually doing research for a news

Gawker has been caught pushing bad info before... so...

Also KILLER 7, DAMMIT. A game as a postmodern installation that will leave you feeling as if you had partook of several illegal substances at the same time.

Oh shit dude I’d love to see your fedora collection

I don’t know what it says about me that not only did I watch it in one sitting but that I was also laughing all the way through.

It used to be on Steam, but there was some sort of issue with music licences... don’t remmeber exactly what, but 2K removed it from digital stores after that. Also stopped making physical copies afaik, which were until then still sold here in Czech rep. (First Mafia s sort of national cultural heritage thing here in