
I believe you can buy a downloadable version for the 360 in the Xbox Classics.

There's not actually 4 previous editions of this article. It's called part V because it's about GTA V.

This comment is an ugly, ugly comment. That's not necessarily me just talking about they font. It's got a really ugly premise and the poster is really impossible to like, and it's a post that has several commentary problems as well. Some neat ideas are buried deep in there, but you're going to have to do a lot of

Hey everyone, guess which platform is not going to have any games come out with a crippled resolution or framerate regardless of the politics between MS and Sony?

So PhysX is a real thing that makes the games that use it look better for real. The truth is that it's awesome for the games that use it but not that many games do use it. so AMD users, you're missing out when you play Batman: Arkham etc. games and Mirror's Edge, but for most other games, not so much. On the flip side

Patricia, are you in love?

Well I used to be a huge Zelda fanboy and Twilight was the game that made me realize I was bored with the series and it is currently stuck in the past.

In addition to the shadows the sky effects such as the clouds, sunset etc. look completely different.

I didn't forget about it. It also came to PSP and iOS so more people played it after the disappointing DS sales. I also heard that it was the top selling M rated game of all time for the DS even though the sales might be disappointing by other standards.

That shit needs to come out on Blu-ray

Ha, I was totally right.

I'm going to guess that AC:Pirates is some kind of phone/tablet game that will be completely different from the console games. I wold guess something along the lines of a strategy game or something inspired by Sid Meir's pirates etc. The subtitle "pirates" seems too generic for it to be anything else.

I don't think MGS4 had better controls, it just had controls that were more similar to other games which meant they didn't take much time to get used to. The downside is that the game lost some of what made MGS unique. At times it felt like a generic shooter. MGS3 had a steep learning curve so it was kind of a pain at

They have to do extensive remastering of TNG. The original show was filmed on 35mm film but the footage was transferred to standard definition video and editing and some special effects were added after that. So basically in order to get a high definition master of the show they have to take the raw footage and

It might have a small multiplayer game mode like Phantom Hourglass did.

A few of those images reminded me of Secret of Kells, which is one of the most beautiful looking animated movies ever.


Sony has been experimenting with free to play models for several of their big franchises. Killzone 3 and Uncharted 3 have free to play multiplayer available. You can't tell me Uncharted is not one of Sony's killer apps.

I think it may have just been a poor choice of words. He would know if the game was significantly far into development and going to be released any time in the near future and it wasn't and just called this "not being in development"

He would know if the game was significantly far into development because they would be having him do mo-cap. As this article is stating he would not know if it is in an earlier stage of production.