
I'm going to disagree about the part where Batman has great combat. It has great animation that adapts to your environment and has satisfying sound effects. But in terms of actually playing, it is not anything special. It is not challenging or deep in any way. I find it's basically button mashing mixed with some

Gears of War was influenced by RE4 but it was also very different unless you consider all games involving shooting to be the same.

No, the biggest problem with the game is not its deviation from what it used to be. The problem is that the game isn't very good. In principle I think if you want to make a Gears of War style game then you should make a new IP rather than try to turn Resident Evil into Gears of War. But if the game was a good Gears

Leon's campaign is also the closest to traditional RE, or at least 4&5. Chris's campaign is a full on military shooter with enemies that shoot back thus suggesting you use the cover system which is poorly done. Jake's campaign is more similar to Chris's too.

The problem is it's not a good game regardless of what style of gameplay it has gone to.

In the making of trailers, they've said they've re-done combat from the ground up.

Exactly, it's mostly mashing the punch button and occasionally pressing the counter button when someone comes up behind you. To get actual great and challenging combat you have to look at the dedicated action games like Ninja Gaiden.

Well then I would think your problem with the game would have a lot more to do with not liking the gameplay than the autolog system

I realize actual "free to play" games don't work that way. There are some games out there that seem to take the "free to play" model except they actually charge full price for the base game though. Street Fighter X Tekken for example.

I found you can pretty much just ignore the autolog. I got Hot Pursuit and none of my friends did but I've enjoyed playing it on my own just fine without it.

In the current state of gaming you pay full price for the first part and can pay another $30 or so to get the full game. It's still worse.

Does this mean bug-infested as in the enemies are bugs, or that the game is full of glitches?

You know what's really ironic. When I first clicked on this story I couldn't look at it at first. I had to watch an ad for Assassins Creed III first.

I think most companies would try to avoid bad PR before they provide good customer service. I don't think this is exclusive to Activision or even the game industry. They've already made most of the money they are going to make off these games and Black Ops 2 is coming out soon and will make a lot more money

You're reading way too much into the ad that isn't there. These people in the ads are literally saying nothing that suggests being a gamer is a bad thing, they are just saying they are not one and a 3DS appeals to them anyway.

And Infamous: Festival of Blood

But RE4 Didn't have a cover system

Why did that guy keep yelling about how he was hit long after his health would have regenerated?

Probably very few thought so since Modern Warfare, but I think I've heard the original and possibly the second one called realistic before.

So I played this a couple years ago and there were some mods for it to increase texture resolution and a sound mod called "deep fried beer." has anyone loaded this yet to see how it compares?