
I would say that Metroid Prime is not an FPS either. Although it does use a first person perspective and feature a lot of shooting, the controls are so different from a FPS that it's not really the same genre anymore. Also there is a lot of not shooting in the game also.

Just the menu music. I don't remember it ever being annoying though. Maybe it has to do with me listening to a compressed youtube video through high quality speakers, or just that it went away as soon as you pressed start in the actual game. Anyway don't let it dissuade you from the game.

Obviously Kirk is stuffing the ballot box, because he would be losing otherwise

I'm going to have to um... disagree with you there. I think Inland Empire is the best movie he's ever made.

I would assume it was done wit LBP2 to be more specific. But I'm not too familiar with creating stuff in either.

They use her voice though.

Resistance isn't a game changer or anything, but I find it highly refreshing at this point in time in that it doesn't play like Call of Duty. You have to play patiently and be careful to actually try not to get shot instead of rushing head first into battle because your health doesn't fully regenerate a few seconds

But it's one of those words that's made up of two smaller words that you can figure out what it means by putting the meanings of the other two smaller words together. Maybe people really are that dumb, I forget that sometimes.

No I don't have her daily planner, which is why I just go by what she says when she says she's a gamer. It's not impossible that she would be lying but I have no compelling reason to assume she is so I'll believe her unless I get some worthwhile evidence to the contrary.

He was suggesting he knew she was lying about being a gamer because she was too busy, which he wouldn't know. That's what it has to do with her alleged lying about being a gamer. I'm not sure I liked her presentation either (I didn't watch that much of it) I just don't think people have a good reason to accuse her

I think most of what makes it look fancy is that they have all of those effects at the same time which I don't think current console's could handle, especially in an open world game

Good, did anyone else feel like the first Gears was pretty hard and the other two were much easier? (most of the time)

As in you were being sarcastic? I couldn't understand it enough to tell if it was sarcastic.

This makes me want to do Old Snake so bad...

Point is you dodged my question. The only thing you have is a vague suggestion that she is too busy. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you don't have access to her daily planner to know how busy she is or isn't, and that you have no other evidence to support your claim that she is not a gamer. You are

That didn't make a whole lot of sense

Your experience here is really not comparable to the one in the article. And I have been a groomsman at a wedding multiple times and I can't think of anything I experienced or that I have ever seen another groomsman experience that contained even a whiff of sexism.

You're not the Dalai Lama. You don't get to answer my question with another question.

And how do you know she doesn't play games?

Not being sexist doesn't mean we have to stop looking at boobs.