
No I'm not saying it's only for people who like the article. It is only for people who read it however.

I grew up with SNES and prefer the 360 controller.

It's bullshit to discuss social issues about video game culture on a video game blog? This was a great article with a unique perspective on the issue.

Your conclusion is not entirely different from the conclusion at the end of the article

I think that's appropriate since killing people is what you actually do in the game and if anyone is bothered by it they won't be playing a game where other people kill you

I read the entire fuckhuge article on it. Also you're contributing to the stereotype that gamers have no attention span.

I don't think all games are art. Do you really think Madden is art? It's not trying to be, it's just trying to simulate something.

So even after clarification that article is still a piece of crap. If Flower is so undeniably beautiful why did you trash it in the article, saying it wasn't worthy to be used as an example of games as art? Maybe it didn't fit with the tone of your article where Blow is a god like figure. I'm exaggerating but not

ACIII is looking like it will bring plenty of change to the series.

It didn't go all shooter, not in the sense of other game we call shooters at least. It was very much a stealth game, just a different kind of stealth that allowed you to use your gun which I found to be much more sensible. The other games had issues like loudly interrogating a person wouldn't cause another guard

It wasn't nearly dumb enough to be a Michael Bay film, and certainly didn't have enough explosions. Regardless I don't think she was in charge of that game.

No you do not speak for everyone

So you thought the original Halo was generic? What other games were like it at the time?

If you don't already own an HD display of some kind you should already have been saving your $20 toward buying an HD display. Even a cheap 20" HDTV is a world of improvement over an SDTV. If you don't have one this should be your top priority and you should save every penny of your home entertainment budget and

On the other hand you didn't have to play on a SDTV for the past five years. I think that might have been worth it.

That would be false. Most 360 games are native 720p. There have been exceptions, most notably Halo 3 which ran at 600 something native resolution but that is still a dramatic improvement over SD.

I believe the last time I pre-ordered a game was Street Fighter II Turbo for Super Nintendo. Actually that was just a reservation not a pre-order. Not only don't I pre-order, I pretty much don't buy new releases at all. If you wait a while the price will drop and it will be patched.

I'm not sure about that. I enjoyed Enslaved but that had more to do with it being well written by Alex Garland than any of the gameplay mechanics which were passable but generic. I only played the demo of Heavenly Sword and based on that it too seemed not that impressive.

When will they learn? We want to discover for ourselves that the robots will be rained upon.

Just because it's a comic doesn't mean the message isn't serious or that it isn't ignorant or misguided.