
Why wouldn't they be?

Who's the redhead?

As I suspected, you did not understand the story/commentary in the game. Again, not to be condescending but your Nazi allegory is a complete misinterpretation and I'm not even sure how you could have arrived at it. With that, you can't say it hits you over the head with a hammer because you didn't hear what it was

Not to be condescending but I think you may not have understood or picked up on the philosophical/political commentary and satire. The plot points of the story that take you from point A to point B are not necessarily of great interest, it's the world you're in and how it came to be. Not just how the world looks but

Well I won't try to tell that you should like the game, but I think even if you didn't enjoy it, it's a game that deserves respect on some levels at least. It was unique and dealt with philosophical themes of a sort that isn't typically dealt with in games. At the same time it worked on the level of an action/horror

Apparently you're not familiar with the original article they're trying to retort. It was a profile of Jonathan Blow, creator of Braid, and even if you're a fan of him it was kind of a bizarre exaggeration of his greatness and dismissal of the rest of the game industry. So this guy doesn't need anyone to tell him

So you tell me not to generalize then you make the statement "Games should be long" which is a complete generalization. There is no length even in vague terms like long or short that is right for games in general. The right length depends on things like how long it takes to tell the story or how many variations the

If you look at what XBLA was when it first launched and some of the things about it that still there it's clear that what it has turned into is much more than Microsoft had in mind when it was created. Using the word Arcade in the title, requiring leaderboards and simple instructions for all games along with small

I'll kill anyone who sends out another death threat to one of these developers.

Well the primary reason was that I'd never listened to them before now. I did take a quick listen to a few songs online just now and I think I might like it. It is a completely different style of music however, so I think his movie scores are still a bit more relevant to the topic at hand.

I'm not yet sold on the idea that innovative and daring RPG's are the more common one's. Or that these daring ideas are that daring or frequently turn out well. The author of this article, despite what he says in it, even wrote himself in his Legend of Heroes review that "Few JRPGs blow me away nowadays." I

How so?

See above comment

You realize the inflammatory comments in this post were not from Jonathan Blow right? It was a journalist writing about Jonathan Blow.

No I was expanding upon the sarcasm

These comparisons to The Road, including this and I Am Alive make me think people don't really get The Road. If there is a tangible goal or any hope in the game then it is not evocative of The Road. It would have to be something like the post-credit level in Halo Reach stretched out for an entire game.

It is perfect for Wipeout because Wipeout takes place in the future, and in the future Dubstep is the only music people will listen to.

I disagree, I don't think much is better than 3 Gearboxes

That seemed rather TRON to me

Are you being ironic? because if not there is a good reason why it reminds you of that.