
They're nothing compared to the books. I find it funny when people complain about Shogun Assassin being a poorly spliced together version of the original movies, when the original movies are a poorly spliced together version of the books.

If you want to be good at a fighting game you have to pull these moves off without thinking, let alone without looking down away from the screen. It could be good for the training mode I suppose though.

You know what's Bullshit?

I wouldn't bet on that. They have posted videos of unattractive fat men on here before so as long as his singing review were entertaining I would have a perfectly good chance of getting posted here.

or perhaps they're business plan is taking into account the rest of the world as well

A song is incorrectly used to refer to a piece of music vocal or not.

I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying because her shirt was too tight fitting.

No hating on EA went out of style in favor of hating on Activision. Unless it went back again

So judge what he says by the content of what he says, not by how well his latest game did. I'm not sure if he knows what he's talking about but I don't know that anyone really can predict for sure what happens to the video game industry if used games go away.

But if it has no lyrics then it is not a song

Why don't you just play against other people online?

Making a successful game is a different ability than understanding the business side of the industry. And he has made at least one great game in the past, Eternal Darkness anyway.

He's not talking about Too Human, he's talking about the entire industry

Eternal Darkness was not "meh." And he's talking about the industry at large, not just himself.

That's in a way part of the argument in favor of eliminating used games. There would be less people buying new games if they can't sell them back so the prices would drop

The point of the hidden blade or any of the assassin's other moves isn't to be brutal, it's to efficiently and stealthily kill someone. It might be brutal but that is not it's purpose. Scalping has no practical or tactical purpose, it's just there to be gratuitously gory. It's not in line with the idea of killing

I can't think of too many recent western works set in Japan at all. One that comes to mind though is Letters From Iwo Jima. It seemed at least to me to capture the distinct Japanese sense of honor during wartime.

That was my point that it wasn't realistic, and it's made by Japanese

Automotive or appliances are not comparable. They do not get used once and sold back shortly after, they are kept for many years until they deteriorate in quality or are not as good as a new model. Appliance companies do fight this in their own way. It's called planned obsolescence. They could build their products

That doesn't mean it isn't stealth, it's just a different kind. You're in the middle of a large crowd so seeing you doesn't alert anyone, it's when they notice you that it does.