
I said I recognize that it's not intentional. I wasn't trying to justify it as a feature, I was giving a reason why it didn't bother me. My proper justification is that it's very minimal and for me was no worse a visual blemish than most games have.

Only thing I saw was some minor screen tearing, and only minor. Although this probably wasn't the intent, I thought it kind of fit the theme of glitches in the Animus.

And every game has worked on my XBox

You're not the only one, I just bought it this past weekend.

If you count Halo anniversary edition, then yes. Which I wouldn't really. Well it's valid to say MS is milking Halo but so far the main games I would not consider products of milking.

I know the end of Halo 3. But sometimes when people are making sequels they find a reason to keep doing the same thing as before. Is there actually confirmation somewhere that you don't fight Covenant? The milking isn't as bad as COD if it's not every year but Repeatedly releasing the same experience every few

The second half is actually funnier I think. People are saying "you're gay" in typical COD player fashion and they respond "negative."

Call me unsurprised. Fighting games are popular again and they've made new entries in their other series already. I figured this had to be next.

I'm a little worried this will be too much of more of the same. Halo is great but it's been done enough times the way it is and they need to do something new and the reusing of the same weapons makes me concerned they aren't. They absolutely need a new enemy who behaves different with new weapons, or else this is

Part of the cause of this mess is that although Aris may not speak for the fighting game community as a whole, he claimed he does. He basically said his sexism is part of the community and for those of us who don't know the community, we don't know that isn't true. If he can get away with behaving the way he does

That is not a legitimate rumor, that is speculation which is not the same. A legitimate rumor would be like: Inside sources say that the next Assassins Creed will be set in China. When some random person on the internet wonders is it will be set in China because there was a tie in piece of media, that is just

The issue is that some games are fun for a while, but if that game does or did last 100 hours it does or would get boring. There are few games or perhaps I should say game ideas that have 100 hours of content that does anything new to keep things fresh for that long. A game should only be as long as it has fresh

That in no way suggests ACIII will be in China. It is part of the AC universe but in no way is specifically tied into part III.

I've heard a bunch of people wishing for China, but no legitimate rumors for it.

but it's parody which is allowed. Think about if all the parodies in TV, movies and music were banned we would be missing a lot of good comedy and satire

So the article says the new ATI card performs better but the graphs show the GeForce higher. What am I missing here?

I played the DLC parts and they were fun but completely inessential to the main story. I got the game after they came out and ended up playing those chapters before the end of the game and thought they actually interfered with the pacing of the story when played that way. The chapters before were building toward a

Yeah, girls like it when you think they're good looking actually. Not being sexist just means you don't be a dick to them because of it.

There was rumors of it being, at least in part, more Desmond puzzle levels. The title "lost acrchive" seems in line with that.

Assassin's Creed II was complete by itself.