
Indeed! Maybe it's Romana! If Missy is the gatekeeper of the nethersphere, and we last saw Romana in an episode called Warriors Gate...

I may have been going out on a limb there ; ) Me + fatigue and Dr Who = Wild ass theories.

"I'm going to have to relieve you of your pet."

Missy is short for mistress, which is of course the female version of master ;)


Indeed! Brunner was on a wave (ha!) of prescient SF at that time.

I humbly submit the brilliant Stand on Zanzibar for your consideration.

The film had four actors whom I like and respect, and they couldn't save it.

I'll be alright.

Don't mention Prometheus: it still hurts :(

If this film bombs, my poor heart will be broken. I'm hitting this up opening weekend.

In the TV realm this summer we also had Cosmos, which was sublime. I know that isn't really pop culture, but it is an effort to broaden the appeal and wonder of science.


From this and the trailer I've seen I'm getting a Mad Max meets The Road kind of vibe, in the best possible way.

It's the same team that made the Just Cause Games, which were fun open world games, so here's hoping!

No, I'd never heard of it, but that's an interesting read; thanks for the link! I really do think that Escape from New York, LA (or some other place) is perfect video game material - in the right hands of course. If handled like The Warriors, like you mentioned (which, BTW, is a perfect companion movie to EFNY), it

I'd play the hell out of an 'Escape' game. You never know, it could happen. There's finally a Mad Max game coming out this year.

Bryan Cranston, Ken Watanabe, and Juliet Binoche: all three criminally underused, and could have made this movie so much better. Instead we get the most boring protagonist of the year and the side story of his boring ass family!

The encounter between The Culture and The Chelgrian's mostly ended in tragedy.

Will Sean Bean survive to the end, though?