
You're dumb as rocks

This is foreshadowing the future of America...

Yeah can we keep this site dedicated to sports that are actually relevant to Americans?

I agree they already seem to be stretching the season out. It's been a disappointing show so far.

I don't like what they've done with the show so far. The book was way more dark and serious while the show is kind of cheesy, especially with the teenage party scene. I know they're trying to appeal to a broader audience, but I'm losing interest.

The glasses moved a bit too quick for my liking

No. Just no.

Not science fiction, but Sons of Anarchy. It started to get really bad after season 2.

Sam Adams?

Too late, already burned mine..

Enough with this. They're not gonna change the name, get over it.

To house his hitmen

Lol funny how that happens

Do you expect interns to be paid the same amount as executives? Obviously executives deserve to be paid more. There's nothing surprising about this.

They buy them for the same reason a dog licks it's balls. Because they can.

No I think it's liberals who are more offended by anything that "degrades" women and makes them seem less "equal" to men. I myself am a moderate conservative and am more laid back. From my personal experience liberals cry folly at anything they deem even slightly offensive.

i think that kind of mindset is more liberal...

Hey man he was a good player before this whole murder business..

About to burn my Hernandez jersey..

I feel like my heart just got ripped out..