
Please. I work five 10 hour days.

Again, thats capitalism buddy. The rich can afford things. If you don't like it move to China

Babies dont like wasted talent

How about we drop the humane shit and have open season on these motherfuckers

Some sort of inside joke I don't get


The more income you have, the more money you pay. Pretty simple concept

You know, it was exactly the same with Democrats when Bush was in office. Hell, they still blame Bush for a lot of things.

I don't think any of us do, to be honest. Who knows what our sprawling, monstrous government is up to. We're slowly becoming a police state. Just look around you. NSA spying, drones, and black boxes in all cars in a few years..

This is the line touted by Obama and preached by every liberal. The rich have to pay their "fair share". Well, define fair share. With a flat tax, the richer you are, the more money you pay. That sounds pretty "fair" to me. But the Democratic message is raise, raise, raise taxes on the rich. Where is the limit? 50%?

So you're saying everyone should have everything for free. Because it's not fair if you can't afford something. You have to make everyone else pay for your insurance.

I know. I'm not saying it to you in particular, but my point is that people always blame the rich for being rich and use them as an example of how the system is flawed

I'm tired of people acting like rich people are evil. Sorry, it's a product of capitalism. If you don't like it, move to communist china.

But you also pay for other people's insurance who don't pay taxes.

I get your trolling, but Massachusetts is far from perfect. Trust me, I live here.

There was a time when people had to actually work for food, money, housing, and healthcare. Now you just whine to the government and they hand you ebt, welfare checks, and subsidized housing, all on the taxpayers dime! Now if that tax money went towards creating more jobs, we wouldn't need all that stuff in the first

These are starting to get old

A crumbling, dying, high-tax 21st century world.

The only things people are entitled to are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nobody is entitled to healthcare. You have to earn it by working for it.

.....Just shut the fuck up