
Anyone else see the hawks player caught between the boards and the bruins players celebrating haha

how about this: lose some weight so you can fit into the cute skinny clothing.

You guys are obsessed with this. Give it a break.

Them mehicans are nothin but trouble

Best of luck to him. He didn't get a fair shake with the Jets.

I wonder how much his dick weighed...

Youre right d'brickashaw really takes the cake

Blackest name of the year award goes to Seventh Woods!

Is that the same chick??

Really not a big deal.

Thats different than wishing a fucking city to be bombed.. Again!

They have to be ethnically diverse. Or else its racist.

No need to apologize about the photo.

Really? God, stop being so sensitive.

Seriously. Stop kissing his feet just cause he's for gay marriage.

How sad. Wasted talent is a terrible thing.
