
Of course, if I put bleach and ground up rotten rodents in my cookies, claims of gross cheating would be fair.

No, and I wouldn’t buy a vw. But I’m not ready to fine you for cheating until I know that there is some cheating going on. Meeting all the technical requirements while running afoul of the spirit of the rules isn’t cheating, it’s bad rule making (since the spirit of the rules is whatever the reader wants it to be). I

Latest internet rumor is that the ECU switched modes only when it was hooked up to monitoring systems. If that’s true, its pretty damning.

I still have no idea what it is that VW did that constitutes cheating. I’d wager that niether do you.

Do you know that is what the cheat consisted of, or are you guessing?

Without knowing exactly what “sophisticated algorithms” mean, it sounds like they met the technical requirement. How is that cheating?

a 100lbs tv is unlikely to kill you. But it would be an unpleasant moment.

a 100lbs tv is unlikely to kill you. But it would be an unpleasant moment.

I think we can start a whole new thread on the subject of “Inventions that found new life in applications their inventors never thought of”. It will be rather fascinating. In fact, dear op who might be reading this, can you make that happen?

The diffs aren’t tricked. They are just a bunch of gears, so they can’t be tricked. The ABS system detects an undesirable lack of traction, and generated required traction between the wheel and the car body, this allows the differentials to work as intended.

How is that a cheat?

Do we know how VW computers knew when they were being tested (and what they did in response)? All I managed to find so far was that it was a “sophisticated algorithm”

Whatever they used, lightness isn’t it. 55lbs is rather heavy for a bicycle.

Does the small overlap test replace the normal overlap test, or is it in addition to? Does the design sacrifice performance in the hit a wall head on category in order to pass the small overlap?

I suppose it could be convinient, but my main concern would be whether it operated fast enough (and obviously glitch free) to appear seamless.

Well yes, but: The modern destroyers are getting to be battleship sized.

If segway “wins” they are not going to stop selling hovertrax. Hovertrax will simply pay a small fee to segway for every unit sold.

What is the point of having the wheels in their high drag configuration?

Ok, so it’s rather cool looking (save for the butplug rear panel. Whats that all about?), but what is the point?

I’m in complete agreement. In fact, I wish there was less details on world building. There are all amnesiacs after all, how do they know if a certain corp is good or bad, and which other corp can counterbalance them. In short, there should be more terror and confusion.