
I haven’t seen killjoys, but I’ve been mostly enjoying dark matter. Yes, it does seem like a less than stellar rip-off of firefly at times, and yes it does seem to wonder without a clear goal (but so did firefly at times). What bothered me a great deal was the terrible, and often pointless representation of space

Can you go back and edit a note you’ve made earlier? If so, how seamless is it? This is where I find most e writers/digitizing pens fail. You have an idea, you sketch something up, you bring it to a coworker, you sketch a few other ideas before deciding that the first was the best, you go back to it and decide to

Its been a little while since I dealt with circuit design, but if memmory serves me right transistors have a 0.7V drop. In order to do DC to DC you need at least one to create AC, and two to rectify back to DC. That 2.1V which is already pretty close to what the LED is dropping. Then there is the transformer itself,

Most LED’s (all the I know of) don’t run on 12V, so there needs to be a DC to DC converter there to drop the voltage down. It might be a bigger heat source than the light.

KPS nerd, you are awesome.

The local x axis needs a center or zero point to measure against. If the center point is centered on the cube, the cube doesn’t move (everything around it does). That center point needs to be anchored to somethings, but there is absolutely nothing in out universe that is standing still. You can only move at a certain

Travels it’s own body length in relation to what? It certainly can’t be its current position, because that means that the probe never moves.

Could you elaborate a bit?

36,000mph in relation to what? Once you are in space it becomes somewhat difficult to gauge what you should gauge your speed by. So it could be both a great deal higher and lower.

Thats a valid, but partial counterpoint. It’s not just a matter of charging station availability, its also a question of charge time. Gasoline pump delivers around 10gpm. You can get 400 miles of range in well under 5 minutes. Even a high end charging station needs roughly 4 times as long to do roughly half as much

While I agree that Tesla certainly set a new benchmark, I don’t think this technology will scale up well, so we can’t yet apply it to mustangs.

Simpler solution that should please most. Put a red light behind the engine start/stop button. If it’s on, the engine is running. Some luxury cars can idle rather quietly, so I can see missing it. The rest of the dash has all kinds of lights, so it can be genuinely hard to tell (especially if there is no tach) big red

Hey, if you want to buy cheap horse meat, I’m not here to stop you. If you want to sell cheap horse meat I don’t see a reason to stop you either. Just don’t go around saying that it’s beef, when it clearly isn’t. Feel free to call it mystery meat and sell at a discount.

Do you honestly think that people in charge of non profit, public institution only care about the betterment of their fellow men?

The adage is good, cheap, or fast, pick 2. That’s not quiet the same thing. It certainly does not imply that sacrificing one automatically gets you the other 2. It is certainly possible to make something bad, expensive, and behind schedule (hello military hardware contractors!)

The issue is that I requested chicken, was told I was getting chicken, paid for chicken, and got turkey instead. Even if it’s every bit as nutritious, it is still a breach of contract.

“Buchanan points out this fear in his piece: That Uber’s success will lead to what’s essentially privatized mass transit.”

Because all transaction are based on a certain degree of trust, the most basic part of which is “are you going to sell me the thing you told me you are going to sell?” If a package is says that it contains horse meat on the side, I don’t expect it to contain saw dust.

Worry not, when I become emperor, a complete sunroof confiscation plan is fairly low on my list of priorities.

Even if you completely ignore peoples feelings about eating different animals (which I agree, can be completely arbitrary) people have a rather strong reason to care about a product being whatever the label says it is.