
There is a pretty big difference between contamination and substitution, I really don’t feel like those two should be in the same category.

Which is why I think manuals are going to become the expensive options. Automatics can do everything for most everybody. If you are one of those people who insist on a manual (like me) it’s going to cost extra.

Hey I’m first and foremost an opponent of the drug war. I’d love to see legalization sweep the land. I don’t think we should be locking up non violent criminals, certainly not in the numbers we do.

That is true. If you have a fun car, it can be an automatic and still retain a good deal of its fun. If you have a miserable car, it can be much less miserable with three pedals.

Oh absolutely. Also, the base corvette. I mean, if you are going to pick example to be offended about, you might as well go big, like all the guys talking about their porsches.

Ever driven one of those cars that technically had enough power, but had a completely non responsive throttle? No matter what you did, it just did it’s own thing, ignoring your pedal input entirely? Or the kind that would happily rev up when you press the pedal, but all the happened was a great deal of noise with

Last year we had over 100 day streak of 100+ weather. This year was a tad better, but not much

I recently got one. Don’t understand all they hype about styling. I really don’t. The plastic rear covers were perfectly fine, why do I need a glass back for? I would gladly trade that for a replaceable battery. Seriously, there is no way that battery will still be as good 2 years from now as it is today.

Oh if you want to be technical about it. But look, fully half that list describes engines that are put in rather expensive automobiles. They may be base, but they are not cheap. Of course any engine available in a porche or a corvette is going to be at least minimally awesome. Ditto for the rest of the Germans. And

Of all the jalopnik interface updates, this is the one I hate the least.

Where do you live? Perhaps my opinions about sunroofs are geographically biased. I’m residing pretty far down south, and its almost never the right weather for a sunroof. Most days are sunny, but also very hot. Why anyone bothers with a convertible here is beyond me.

Also, no matter how much you have to pay, and what kind of favors you have to perform, the manual transmission is always worth it.

I’m surprised to have to point this out on jalopnik of all places, but no amount of savings is worth having to put up with the misery of the base engine in virtually every vehicle.

I hate to be defending the man (whom I hate with the burning passion) but most educational institutions provide information a person can pick up at the local library.

Enlighten me, please.

I’ve dropped and picked up my bikes plenty of times (often in the most emberassing ways. Once as my foot got caught in the shifter of a friends harley, I came to a stop, tried to put my foot down, and down I went, right at a red light. Another, when I pulled up to a gas station on a sportbike that was a tad too tall

That always looks extra fancy. But probably not a good beginners move.

Yep, that was my original approach (pun intended). However, I’m not that good at planning ahead. Too often my only thought was getting to where I was going, with little regard to how I was going to leave.

99% of the time, if you have to move a bike backwards, its because you have to back it out of a parking space (this is especially difficult if its uphill, like if the road slopes toward the curb). I’m ashamed to admit that it took me well over a year to figure out the solution. Push your bike backwards before you get

I’m picturing trucks with prisoncorp plastered on the side handing out tons of heroin to street level dealers. And I don’t see that happening. No matter how evil I assume the executive of prison corp to be, they would not want to be caught within a mile of a load of drugs, because they don’t want to become their own