
I’m of the opinion that the universe is a complex and poorly understood umm thing that often contradicts are expectations. In similar vein, it is possible to have a line of logic that is concise, straight forward, supported by evidence, and yet still end up being completely wrong.

Ah, well, that certainly explains the rest of your viewpoint.

Goodness, if that’s the case I have to agree with you. Refuelling time is about the best advantage that hydrogen has. I thought the main storage tank would be held at something over required pressure with the “pump” (really a dispensor) regulating it down to the 5k-10k psi the cars need.

In the event that promoting renewable energy is not the best way to adress climate change, what do you think is more important, adressing climate change or promoting renewable energy?

I’m reminded of the south part episode about the writers of family guy.

Thanks for the numbers!

Did not think of that! Also, some space stuff.

As long as it’s a rarely used, but important that it works application, this should battery will be great. If it’s a we plan on having to use this system once every couple of months, a conventional rechargable battery may be a better fit.

The trouble with most alarms is that they use power to detect, as well as actually sound an alarm. So, suppose one day, when you are out at work the power goes out for a few hours. Your smoke alarm would then dutifully light its single use battery, which will allow it to continue to function for the few hours that

But russian pancackes are really good.

Everyone will lock up if sufficiently overwhelmed. It’s just a question of where that line is.

Not sure that I agree with fire/smoke alarms. What good is an alarm that would run an extra day without power, only to be useless afterward?

AED is a great application, and I completely agree on most disaster supplies.

I love portal, but wonder if it will be appealing as a movie. It’s just not that much fun to watch someone else solve puzzles. I can see how half life would make a great show, however.

I imagine they would use some sort of chemical oxygen generator in a sealed system. I’m with you on a backup generator. Probably a second stage backup, in case your normal backup generator doesn’t start.

If the energy density was considerably superior to standard batteries, such an application would make sense. But if you could power a laser rifle just as well with a rechargable magazine as you could with a disposable one, why would you pick the disposable?

One would think that the applications for a non rechargeable battery with already feasible energy densities but a very long shelf life would be rather limited.

Easy as in not complicated, sure. But electrolysis is very energy intensive.

Because building a gas tank is cheaper than a battery, a gas tank does not loose its capacity over time, and a gas tank can be refilled faster than a battery can be recharged.

I thought the tanks would use compressed gas, rather than liquid hydrogen. 5,000 and 10,000psi numbers kept floating around. Does anyone know how the energy density of 10kpsi hydrogen compares to batteries?