
While I hope it one day succeeds, the space elevator is about as nuts as it gets

But he isn’t talking about government investment, he is talking about private billionaire, and if I’m reading it right, referring to one who wasn’t actually born in the US.

Well, I’m not in the 1%, but neither are most business owners. I do have to wonder how your analysis explains all the automotive plants being built in the US.

While I don’t entirely agree, your point is well articulated.

Even during peak union membership, unions accounted for well under half the total workforce. Which makes sense, considering unions get higher wages for their members by artificially restricting the supply of labor.

I assume that businesses are not expanding business to china because of their deep nationalistic affections for that country. Rather, they feel that it makes good business sense to expend in that direction. If I understood you correctly, you would like them to forgo this business decision in favor of one that must

Why? Are you saying that some people are more deserving of altruistic action than other simply because of where they were born?

Did someone say cheap imports? Count me in!

The rear end seems to be oscillating under brakes, like you would expect to see on a vehicle with bad shocks.

Do you mean to say that he may or may not be or not be ok or not ok? Do you or do you not mean that?

As much as I'd like to think the jeep should have been able to take it, if you look at it slowing down before the turn, it sure looks like one or both the rear shocks are busted.

Stupid things said on twitter aren't credible threats. If they don't know where the threat originated, then they can't tell if it's really credible.

You're off by 1.5 psi, and 17 dollars short of being gangster.

My understanding (with regards to motorcycles at least) is that insurance does not competitive events (races), but it does cover training session.

That is the exact problem I'm struggling with. 4 bikes (my road bike and mountain 29'er, wives and kids mountain bike, and baby trailer), but no garage! Only and attached and covered car port. I'm afraid leaving the bikes out would be tempting some kids to steal them, so the best idea I had was to build a closet like

I imagine it would depend on whether or not they would be willing to relocate. An old race track in middle America can be had rather cheap, not to mention what could be bought in some eastern European country. Can anyone say Top Gear Romania?

That all rather depends. I can definitely see some exec going "I'm not saying he is at fault, but let's make sure not to stick him with famous people, he doesn't seem to be able to handle their inevitable tantrums as well as some of our other employees" or simply "Don't put him on that project, I don't want the kind

Of course not. Rather I think they will use their position to alter the direction or content of his writing.

Do you write for Jalopnik?