
That is Her Majesties boomstick

I see people going for the inconspicuous choice, but I don't think its the right one. When the villains are hiding in a volcano lair, you need a vehicle that can clearly breach that. So I vote for this

If you drove a sh*tbox, sure. But if you drive an expensive car, then its guilty of something. Asset forfeiture for the win!

Probably drugs. I mean, no one actually found any drugs, but there had to have been there. So we're confiscating the car, just in case. Police budgets don't fund themselves.

If this happened in the states, there would be no fine, but they would keep the car.

They are basically taking the train mindset to cars. If passengers don't have to operate the vehicle let them talk to each other instead. Which makes sense, except that interior looks huge, so the vehicle might have to be the size of a van, only with a lower roof. You have to have enough leg room between the front and

Amazing. Apparently they offer the same leather treatments no just for cars, but also motorcycles, yachts, and even helicopters.

No it was built for the queen of England, who presumably refused it for some unknown reason.

My russian is rusty, but I'll attempt to translate the description

That was the caparo T1, completely different, and much more insane car.

Please, that caddy most likely didn't get a single oil change in umpteen thousand miles. The oil cooked into sludge, which blocked off the oil passages and/or fouled up the oil pump. This isn't something that Japanese, German, or Korean vehicles are immune to. All engines need good lubrication. But if it did

So you found a broken cam shaft, and never once wonder how it happened? Aside from seizing, what else would you say could break it? And if it seized, doesn't that indicate a lubrication issue? And if you have an lubrication issue, isn't it likely that the crank shaft and its bearings are not in particularly good shape?

Dear video editors: Fantastic work. Slow motion slides looks great. Slow motion slides with a normal speed unrelated soundtrack are somewhat insulting to the intelligence of the viewer.

The game is ok, but why did they have to re use the old story?

It appears that car dealers are scummy effers whether they sell 100k+ super cars or $5k beaters. They just can't help themselves.

I'm glad to see this happening. MTX went from a default option on a car, to the cheap option on a car, to almost extinct, and not to an expensive add on that projects status. As well it should in today's world (it's hard to make a rational case for wanting one after all, but not all car buying is rational).

Is it really aerodynamic, or just swoopy? That front (at least I think its front) looks like it would lift at speed.

Showed it to the wife and she claimed it looked too much like a nissan. I was surprised at first, but that front does have a great deal of GTR in it. Can't unsee.

Clearly it's caused by US politics, somehow.

I think the perceived difficulty lies in the unconventionality of it all. Take the simplest operation, like changing an oil filter. Without being told what vehicle we are talking about, where would you look for the oil filter? Well, its probably accessible from underneath the vehicle, and you should look to the front