
Basically its two fans pointing at each other. One is connected to your engine, the other to the rest of your drive train. Instead of air they blow oil. one spins the other.

treadwear numbers are almost completely company depended and should no be compared between manufacturers. One manufacturers 300 is anothers 450.

Torque is a static component with no time factor. Imaging going to the gym and seeing two guys bench pressing. Both guys have 200lbs on the bar. One struggles and barely brings the bar up. The other tosses the bar up and down 20 times in 30 seconds. Which guy is stronger?

In older systems, the oscillator is made from a capacitor resistor combo. It works a bit like a bucket, attached to a see saw. As the water runs thru the light bulb (don't you have water powered light bulbs) and into the bucket the bucket fills and gets heavier. When it gets to a certain weight, the see saw tip over,

If you are traveling at speed x in third gear, your engine will be spinning at 2,200 rpm, if you shift to second without changing speed, your engine will need to spin at 3,000rpm (all numbers completely made up). To shift without the clutch, you have to have a rough idea what rpm the engine needs to be at in whatever

What harm does lugging an engine cause, and where do those nasty vibrations come from?

This is not likely to end well for her

A similar scheme can make even donkeys a popular method of transportation.

Neutral: Electric vehicles aren't about utility or cost savings, they are about projecting an image, and being a status symbol. Notice how the first priuses were mostly purchased by people who wouldn't notice the fuel savings in their budget. A Nissan leaf makes a very poor status symbol, while a model S does a very

What makes them left leaning?

Quit wasting time wondering, stick on a pedal, and take the ducks coins. When did toyota turn into my seven year old?

Oh the 90's When 280hp was supercar power.

Are you saying that this is the ameri-japanese version of a Ute?

While I completely agree that it is useless, I loved that thing when it first came out. It looks dated now, but back then it was so fresh. But did they have to make the roof take up the whole bed when down?

"You can have this huge bag of coins if you put an extra pedal on the floor" How hard is that to understand?

What about my extra money?

Glad to hear they fixed it. Now if I could just convince Mazda that it utterly unnecessary to make Bluetooth an automatic only option.

What about stingrays?

Toyota's site drove me bonkers a while back. It wouldn't let me build a vehicle, but instead insisted on showing me vehicles at dealer lots close to me. Dear toyota: I insist on a manual vehicle. No dealer near me carries one. I'm ok with ordering one out, and I'm ok with paying extra to get what I want. Why do you

I don't use the clipper much, but I would love the ability to rotate and scale an image in a note the same way I can in word, along with being able to copy and paste them without them converting in huge bitmaps that can take forever to load.