
Where as to be ahead of the times, it needs a flux capacitor!

I'll be honest that is one configuration that did not occur to me.

I demand a choice, of any one wheel drive!

It's got so much science that it doesn't need wings!

Could someone remind me what is revolutionary about this plane?

I think you're misunderstanding direct relationship. If you have multiple factors influencing an outcome, some factors can get swamped by other factors. If these factors influence each other, in addition to influencing the outcome, results can often be non intuitive.

public with private competition outlawed = socialism.

Exclusivly state owned production is pretty much the definition of socialism, no matter what my mental state is at the time.

A friend made that mistake with his new motorcycle. The gasket blew 5 feet after he put his feet up. It was a sight to behold.

It's for a picnic. Escape the dirty city, with a drive to the country side! Roll out a blanket and have a picnic on the grass. The misses needs to wash the dishes: No disposable dishes back then after all, and you wouldn't want to wash them inside because

I can see how modernization could work in the West Bank, and I hope it does. But I don't see a chance for modernization in Gaza. It is not the most densely populated piece of land on the planet. It is too crowded, to violent, and too poor for anything remotely resembling a modern society to take root.

The Israeli government has compensated Jewish settlers from Gaza for their homes, before removing some of them by force. There is no reason to think it would not compensate settlers from the west bank as well should it come to that. There are non monetary concerns about loosing ones home, but the monetary ones should

If there was a true end to the conflict, even the average settler would give up their home. It's just that most settlers believe that any peace attained through such and agreement is extremely temporary at best, and that permanent Jewish settlements on the west bank improve Israels negotiating position.

From the best I could gather Great Britain is responsible for this conflict in that it while it was folding up its colonies it promised the same land to two different peoples, who have been fighting over it ever since.

The Israeli far right doesn't need rocket attacks to justify continued settlement expansion. As far as they are concerned land conquered in the six day war from Jordan is theirs, especially since Jordan is making no claim to it. Until Israel strikes some kind of agreement that gives this land away, in their eyes, they

Makes you wonder who isn't.

When talking of palestinians living in a open roof prison, there are two things worth remembering.

I completely agree with you. If the question is "Is Israel using precision strikes to avoid and reduce civilian casualties" (That is you question intent) then most people will agree the answer is "Yes". However if the question you ask is "How successful are Israels precision strike at avoiding/reducing civilian

Unlike you, I've never done any tow tests, but I do wonder. Is it possible/prudent to do the whole 11 miles with the throttle pinned? If the answer is not really, then there is a chance a 3 mile test lets them take the driver out of the equation. But I suspect you are correct, its a way to not show the cooling system

And lasers. It needs lasers.