
Offering advice to parents in a positive and non-judgmental tone is more constructive than in a condescending or accusatory tone, as some parents become defensive of their kids and then don’t want to acknowledge problems or seek help. But you’d know that as an “educator” right?

I got him banned from his mother’s house, moved in with her myself, and she bought me a puppy.

Your post explains why he needs her embryos.

I love actual almonds, but cannot STAND almond-scented/flavored stuff (almond extract, almond hair crap like the old Vidal Sassoon line, almond candles). But the unsweetened almond milk isn’t very...almondy? To me? IDK. How many times can I type “almond” in one paragraph? Almond.

get the ladybugs out of the room after he was gone all day and left the window open. we moved him to a different room and just waited for morning when the ladybugs left on their own. every surface was covered with ladybugs

When you take a sip, you buzz like a hornet/Billy Shakespeare wrote a whole bunch of sonnets

Keith Villiardo's story achieves peak Canada.... it takes place at a Tim Horton`s drivethru, involves an eccentric yet harmless customer, and both the server and the customer act amazingly polite all things considered.

I stayed in a hotel in Ireland with my partner years ago, a standard conference/mid range sort of affair, and we were flying out really early in the morning so just decided to get dinner at the hotel's restaurant. The only choice was the 40pound per person prix fixe kind of deal, so we did that. It was unbelievably

Jezebel: Feminist until its not

Yeah, this is a pretty cheap shot. Blast for her racist jokes and her job performance, not this shit.

This feels cruel and vaguely misogynistic. How is it not? Shouldn’t we all be allowed the privacy of our genital grooming routines, unless we decide to become public advocates for the steam cleanse?

Ha. I worked with a lovable screw-up who wanted me to write him a reference. I wrote on company letterhead, “This is to introduce Jim Smith who has been on our payroll for three years. You will be very lucky if you can get him to work for you.”

So there was this guy who would always sexually harass me on my way home from work. I’d get off the train and walk by this auto repair shop. This motherfucker didn’t even work at the shop — the shop owner described him as a “parasite” who loitered outside of the shop trying to buy up junkers and always hollering at

Senior year of high school, walking from a show (some local band) to our car. An honest to god flasher jumps by us and wiggles his dick, and shouts “WHADDAYA Y’ALL THINK OF THIS????”

My 16-year-old sister looks a little bit older so she occasionally gets hit on by boys in their early 20s. At one point, this one sorry fellow tried to convince her that “age is just a number,” to which she quickly retorted, “a prison cell is just a room.”

Fairly recently me, my siblings and my parents were sitting around and in a sign of how we can now all talk like adults we were sort of telling “The most fucked up I’ve ever been” stories and my sister, who had a bit of a wild adolescence, tells a pretty horrific story. My mother, who was the least enthusiastic about

The key word is “gently.” I think it’s fine to be like, “Here’s some stuff we want, please don’t give us a bunch of extra stuff, our baby doesn’t need it!” Or to be like, “Please no gifts, our one-year-old is doing great, just bring your beautiful selves, thanks!” But to go on and on about it to the point where it’s
