
MOBA’s and MMO’s certainly are designed in a way where time commitment grants greater rewards. They are designed for your time. Design loops are set to keep you playing. This isn’t some wild assumption, it’s a fact.

I don’t think he’s saying anything contrary to that.

No, that is part of the failure, and a great teaching for him. The man need some humbling independently of what the assholes at Konami did.

Some marketer has either

Any time I see things like this I think to myself, “how did no one think this was wrong?” How many people saw that before it went on the bus, and everyone thought “yeah this is fine.”

Some facts for those that are unaware of kitesurfing stuff:

Even if he had wiped out, I’d still give him credit. You can’t win on every play in every sport and you don’t learn unless you fall.

More like hurriCAN

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

Actually first they came for the mimes but everyone was pretty okay with that.

They came first for the clowns, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a clown...

I think the first guy has talked himself into a self-esteem hole that he’ll have trouble getting out of - it’s impossible for me to believe that no woman ever smiles at him, ever, unless he’s staring in a creepy way or keeping his eyes on the ground or something. I usually smile after awkward, accidental eye contact

To start with: “good looking” is incredibly variable and personal. Matt Smith looks like a statue from Easter Island but he gives fangirls the screaming thigh-sweats.

Why is it always the Chicken Hawks and draft dodgers who talk so tough about military service they know nothing about?

Joe Biden is the fucking man.

As a country, we deserve Trump and that’s the sad truth :(

I have to say, Timothy Dalton in this film is one of the finest performances of any actor ever on screen.

Being non-consensually assailed with violent, graphic imagery of rape porn is not even close to the same thing as voluntarily looking at porn that appeals to you.