
The phrase virtue signaling assumes with certainty the person it’s targeting doesn’t possess the virtue in question; it assumes that all virtue (or at least all virtue it doesn’t agree with) is cultural performance. It’s indicative of a toxic mindset.

We should get #CokeyTrump trending.

I play games years after they come out (I started Skyrim in 2014), so I get a lot of these benefits the first go-round. They aren’t unite to having played before. The first playthrough is the first exploration of a setting and story. A second go--as I’m doing with Skyrim right now--can give you a better sense of

If he takes enough ambien—just the right amount—it puts the Keeper controlling him to sleep and he is free for just a few minutes.

Scrolled down to ensure this got posted.

The 13th Star Trek movie—based on a failed TV show from 1966—came out last week and The Producers was remade in 2005. Your argument is invalid.

I’m honestly not sure what Clinton’s camp is upset about

Wait. Is this not a scripted cutscene? Kinda thought Just Cause’s name in Japan was Give No Fucks: The Video Game.

At $70k, the bigotry doesn’t matter because there’s food on the table and it buys a social bubble that prevents challenges and keeps the undesirables out of line of sight. Once that money isn’t there, you’re suddenly aware of other people...existing in your world. Instead of grappling with powerful corporate forces

Lotta white folks I know who weren’t losing their shit about this have been tripping over themselves to defend their asses and white folks in general.

I did this as a kid and I still don’t sit down and write like I should. No answer for not doing it except to do it.

“Why should we help these people? They don’t value freedom because they’re content to live under a dictator.”

I presume it’ll be DLC.

The public votes and we should be educated about things that actually happen. Most folks don’t get higher degrees or seek formal education for most of their lives, but they do watch and read things. If something can walk that really thin line between education and entertainment—if it entices with fact and engages