These ones are also not completely covered in sponsor logos, which is pretty refreshing.
These ones are also not completely covered in sponsor logos, which is pretty refreshing.
Whenever I see someone in the right-hand lane as we enter the lower deck, I say a little prayer for the families of the soon-to-be deceased.
It’s voluntary?
*polite clapping*
Grabber Pussy? He wouldn’t dare...
Because a lowered Forester is like a Corgi, and Corgi’s are amazing.
Legitimately thought that was a volvo 740 with a chevy grill at first.
Yeah, but I’m a lot more likely to empathize with a young human driver making a mistake and killing my dog than a computer.
It’s so hard to listen to these news people talk.
Pretty trivial to take down an autopiloting freighter. Just bump it with Machariels until you can form enough catalysts to take it down before CONCORD shows up.
I don’t think it’s actual sympathy, more like “Way to go Einstein”.
If you really care, just complain to the manager and maybe you’ll get your money ba- oh wait, it’s a free video on a free website that no one is forcing you to watch.
Get thee behind me engine!
This is too funny, I was just behind one of these jeeps last night in traffic and noticed this as well!
And god forbid he get Jury Duty.
In the south, it’s “Wang Murrurs”
This. And they seem to just “push all the buttons” when they decide which lights to turn on for the present situation. Very, very distracting.
They’re taking a bucket of water from one trough, running over to their trough (spilling 4/5 of the water in the process) and dumping it in. It’s pretty wasteful.