Penn state fans very concerned about protecting children, suddenly.
This is a three-scoop ice cream sundae of bullshit with a cherry on top. I am not sure anyone has questioned whether he loves his son or whether he is perfect, so his statements that he does and he isn't are utterly meaningless. And the law doesn't require intent to injure, so his statement that, in effect, "I meant…
This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen happen to the Jets, but isn't this gaffe technically on the official? He didn't take the time to notice who was yelling for the timeout. If this happened with the replacement refs, the Jets would (laughably) be considered martyrs for having his happen to them .
Wow,that was straight from the heart...and bold. Kudos to Carter for taking a brave stance on the subject.
The same type of moron who thinks it's ok to beat a 4 year old with a stick. A 4 year old...
Who smiles like that in a mugshot?
The old saying is still true. "It's not what you make, it's what you keep"
...when she gets a ring, she will make more money and get a bigger bonus.
True...god this has been a long week...
It's sad that the one major sports league that hasn't embarrassed itself this week is the one run by Gary Bettman.
I'll let someone else make a snarky comment here, I'm just going to say that's a damn shame.
"promptly referred"
Of course there's no comparison. Ray Lewis' crimes weren't caught on tape.
ESPN rolled out Ray Lewis to talk Ray Rice tonight, because Lewis had mentored Rice during his time in Baltimore,…
These fucking idiots are ALL awful. Fuck Peter King, fuck the NFL, fuck Roger Gooddell, fuck the Ravens, fuck Rice's lawyer, fuck Steve Smith, fuck Schefter, fuck Harbaugh, fuck everyone who defended Ray Rice and/or tried to pin some of the blame on Janay, and most of all, fuck Ray Motherfucking Rice.
Ravens PR guy: "I liked Ray Rice a lot then. I like Ray Rice a lot today"
They've really raised the level of discourse on First Take lately.
I totally agree. We're making a climate where it's not okay to talk about race, ever. Granted, Levenson is especially cynical about race as it relates to his business, but business people talk in numbers. If anything, from what I get from his email, he doesn't have any hate in his heart toward people of colour. Which…
Yes, the new Xbox One is highly covetable for many reasons. But once you get past the games and the TV integration…