Van Kiribati

I feel like this shirt will be waiting for me as soon as I get to hell.

I’m going to get shit on for this, but I don’t think the officiating in the AFC game was anywhere close to as bad as the NFC game.

I “think” it’s chilly in here.

So are we bringing back “The Aints”?

Shep, I think you may be overestimating how many Kinja users like to go outdoors.

Shep, I think you may be overestimating how many Kinja users like to go outdoors.

Do you REALLY want to tie your key to your wallet? I get that it’s convenient if you’re only carrying your house/apartment key but now if you lose your wallet then someone will have your drivers license & access past your front door.

Do you REALLY want to tie your key to your wallet? I get that it’s convenient if you’re only carrying your

Hey now, I used to call a piece of cardboard a shield. And then I turned 7.

Ask the Mets ownership about “guaranteed returns for millionaires”.

Is this why Penn State didn’t get the death penalty? Because of how many other college were covering up sex crimes?

It just feels good to see Mattingly feel the same way about the Dodgers as the rest of us.

To be fair, Joe Montana has stated that none of the triumph of the final game actually happened.

I’m starting to wonder if he’s the really learned his lesson.

So is Penn State waiting for their apology?

I would love to know how she pictured that scenario working out in her head.

Calling someone a bad Eagles fan is really not the WORSE thing.

I’m all for Edgar getting in, but a 25% bump sounds EXTREMELY suspicious. It’s possible that he’s just more popular among the writers who are willing to share their ballots (read that as non-assholes).

And he couldn’t even do it right.

Jesus Christ the Braves are fucking evil.

How in the hell did they get 65% of the people voting yes on that referendum? For anyone living in the Cobb County area, do you actually know anyone who thought this wouldn’t fuck the entire population?

Kingdom of Amalur was an outstanding game and I would have loved to see what else 38 Studios could produce if they had the opportunity.