Van Kiribati

Are the scouts trying to come up with good ideas for murdering people?

Totally agree. I would definitely be interested in reading a longform piece about how a convict’s supporters can reconcile the person they think they know with the evidence presented. I would also want to read a serious investigation into the mental illness of sexual predators. But this author created such a

I’m not clear on how the context in this case should not require them to register as sex offenders. This sounds like a pretty horrifying use of sexual violence.

Let’s all take a moment and imagine the gigantic ginger boner that would’ve come to life if that report had been about Tom Brady.

They’re upset that the owners are using the team’s profits to pay off their own stupidity, rather than investing in the team’s future.

If Dan Snyder could have a baby with Marge Schott’s rotting corpse, I would much rather it owned the Mets than the Wilpons.

What about men named Chipper?

Now now, can we say for the sure that ESPN doesn’t pay by the Reason?

No way, I also have a girlfriend in Canada. Her name is.....Beth Android Phone.

Is this REALLY that much worse than all the other horrible things Bama fans have done? Were any trees poisoned to make that banner?

“Help me guys, I’m not good.” Even Canadians with horrible head lacerations refuse to make a fuss.

I genuinely had no idea that there were this many emotionally attached Illinois fans.

So like Fantasy Smash Brothers Melee?

Hey man! You won’t be laughing to hard when my fantasy Rhythmic Gymnastics league takes off!

I totally agree about wanting the Daily Fantasy companies to die because I am sick of the goddamned ads. I hope Geico is next.

If he was getting $10 mil a year, it still wouldn’t be worth it.

I think this is the third WYTS of 2015 where a fan has said "We're the St. Louis Cardinals fans of the NFL." They can't all be true. There can only be 1!

Hey Curt, considering how much money you lost on your video game company, maybe you shouldn’t be fucking with the company that signs your paychecks.

So long as we’re all agreed, this is definitely all Arod’s fault.

Wait a minute. Isn’t Curt Schilling’s family German? Now I’m even more confused.