
Why are you being so aggressive toward me? We are having a discussion about this, I have not made any personal attacks against you. I see your point about this whole thing overshadowing the original debate, and you are right. I feel a little stupid getting so caught up in it and potentially sidetracking the overall

I am fairly sure that she posted the picture at the same time as she contacted the organizers (it was part of the same tweet).

Yes I would have a problem. I don't think public shaming of anything is appropriate in a professional situation. Problems are not solved by being an asshole back to the person who is offending you.

The majority of attendees at comic conventions are simply fans that are there for fun, but that line of conversation is getting away from the point.

If it was a private message, sure. Unfortunately it was shared with the entire internet.

That's not really this situation at all. You can't have a private conversation in public, especially in close quarters like the conference talk in question. Did you see the pictures? There were easily 5-10 people that could hear any conversation those guys were having, no matter how quiet they were being.

Except this was not a comic convention, it was an industry convention attended by professional developers. It is treated like a workplace. That actually makes the men's behavior even worse, but it means that the way she handled it was decidedly not professional and not acceptable for a person acting in their

Given that her job was largely to represent the company at events like this, no she did not. The men here were obviously in the wrong, and they should have been removed from the event, maybe even fired. However, she should have contacted the conference representatives and/or company that the offending men worked for


To be fair, I'm sure they wouldn't have intervened to stop any number of horrible things being done to a passed out guy either. I feel like the problem here is just that they thought they could do anything they wanted and get away with it, regardless of who was getting hurt. You know if they were sticking a pool cue

Um... I did read the article. Nowhere does it suggest that food producers should be held responsible, it just bitches about other people's personal choices and diet-shames them.

How is it a world without hate crimes when all the headlines are about those people fighting hate crimes and inequality. It is just a world where they didn't die.

That is horrible. I can't imagine working in conditions like that. It makes me very angry as a guy (one in CS even) that there are men out there being such assholes.

If I was trying to have a baby and it wasn't going well, I would feel harassed by people constantly talking about their pregnancy, and it would be of a sexual nature. If someone, somewhere can feel sexually harassed by what you are saying you probably shouldn't say it.

So, by that logic it is totally okay for men to talk about masturbating because it is a "natural fact of life that many men go through." Or maybe they want to talk about their bowel movement and how it was kind of greenish today. Of course you would be offended, those are not topics for workplace discussion.

Right, so instead of blaming the restaurants that are lying to you lets blame the customers who are making a personal choice as to what they decide to buy. Not like this is America or anything.

Yes! What other people eat is none of your damn business. Stop gluten-free shaming.

That's a false equivalence. You should ask "does a woman-dominated environment typically make men feel uncomfortable/threatened/quieted," and I think the answer is yes. Maybe not to the extent of the opposite situation, but I think it does. Equal is best for everyone.

So their argument, "based on her experience" is that H1-B workers are more likely to be men. I would really like to see some numbers here, because based on my experience the opposite is true. The proportion of foreign students in STEM fields that are female is much higher than domestic students. In my department,

No, because a key component in tournament chess is time. Your supposition was that if a computer can do something a person can too with enough training. A computer can play tournament chess. A person cannot play tournament chess like a computer does if they trained their entire lives, it just doesn't work that way.