
Incorrect. It would require an absurd memory and the ability to have perfect recall. You have to compare millions of branches to each other in order to figure out which one is best. If you were allowed unlimited time and unlimited paper, then sure you could manually simulate some chess algorithm. Too bad chess is

Yeah, you probably do not have an understanding of exactly how computers play chess. Humans think strategically about positions, advantages, tactics and patterns. Computers, for the most part, just grind through every possible move and figure out which one is best in that situation. They are not particularly smart,

The article is relating the events of the trial, during which she was the accuser.

How can you generalize about half of the population? That is the definition of sexist. I don't know what the solution here is, but I have a hard time with people saying men as a whole need to adjust themselves to better satisfy their potential partners. Queue "I am not here to please you" arguments. If we said

I agree that it can be tough, but that problem applies equally to men and women! This article is ridiculous because it assumes women have a monopoly on disappointing and potentially life-disrupting partners. Guys feel just as heartbroken, just as insecure and anxious as women. This article is basically saying that

The whole time I was thinking how hard it would be to do each of the four parts in a continuous take. Totally awesome.

Is it just me or was the video at the top not really funny at all. I called it in my head like 30 seconds in that they would be going for a cupcake or something, and the video did not disappoint. Super cliche and unoriginal.

At least he sounds like an equal opportunity harasser.

Yeah it's like the cool thing to complain all the time about how busy and stressed you are. No thanks. I'm going to get the sleep I need and take a break when I want, and my thesis is going to be better for it.

A thousand times yes, f.lux is awesome.

Just because it fits doesn't mean it is comfortable. Don't get me wrong, they make condoms for any size penis so it is not an excuse not to wear one. In my own experience, I avoided using larger condoms because I didn't want to seem like an asshole who thinks he has a giant penis, but my girlfriend suggested we try


Why don't they have a pill that cures cancer yet? Because it's a hard thing to do. Women have a built in hormonal mechanism for preventing ovulation, the female birth control pill just takes advantage of that. For men there has never been a pill that was anywhere close to the level of effectiveness that the female

I don't understand this. It seems the responsibility is equally on both parties. As a woman, you can refuse to have sex with a man unless he uses a condom. As a man, obviously you can put the condom on yourself. Why is it an argument that we can count the number of contraceptives available to each sex and then say

It says the law includes exemptions for "rape, incest, the life of the mother and highly lethal fetal disorders."

My mom is on the board of a local nonprofit cat rescue and they charge something like $200 to adopt a cat. Most cats come in, they spay/neuter and vaccinate them for about $50 and they go out the next day. A few, though, have serious medical problems that are expensive to treat. So instead of charging people a

Move to Baltimore! My fiance just bought a 4 bedroom house in one of the nicer neighborhoods for 170k. She rents two bedrooms and makes enough money to pay her mortgage and utilities, so she is living for free. Seriously, move to a cheaper city.

I agree, my parents haven't given me a dime for school. I got a scholarship for undergrad and I am fortunate enough to have research funding for grad school. A lot of people are surprised to find out that if you are a STEM grad student not only do you not usually have to pay tuition, but you will be given a small

I think you could say just that. If I know you and I walk up and get in your car while you are watching, and drive away without you protesting, then probably I am not guilty of a crime.

I guess I would be "broke" rather than poor, because my parents have money but give none to me and I have been in grad school for 5 years. One thing that always confuses me though is how people will complain about being poor but will spend an entire evening out drinking at a bar. I am quite convinced that the reason