
WOW. An even bigger cunt.

Will it change minds? Or will they simply shrug and go "better ruined vacations than kids catching autism which really happens despite utter lack of proof."

Damn these people. Just... damn them.

Oh FUCK these guys. Seriously.

I believe all of this. I knew there was now way you could healthily lose 50-100 lbs in a few months.

How do you know my mother??

I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.

If Rosamund Pike don't win i will be really shock!

Let's keep Travolta away from having to say Cumberbatch shall we?


Main takeaway: I miss The Fall.

I read a bunch of Dahlia books in my twenties, but after finishing Black Dahlia Avenger I stopped. Only someone more into the mystery than the actual most-likely suspect would doubt that George Hodel was Elizabeth's Short killer.*

*Fun Fact - the Snowden house is at the corner of Kingsley and Franklin in Los Feliz. I

How dare you imply that Jeremy Renner would ever move to Phoenix.

I knew a guy who was a lot like Jeremy Renner. Made tons of inappropriate jokes and was always desperately asserting his heterosexuality. He is happily living with his husband in Phoenix now.

WHO do we think should be cast for the miniseries

I was going to say, "Get new friends!" but then she was all, "I knew what was happening, hee hee!" and thought, "Time to go on the wagon, lady."

I realize her personality may be, say, LACKING, but I love seeing someone with such a strong Middle Eastern look on the cover of another magazine. Yeah short non-white non-skinny girls with hips and boobs!
Also, she should stop it with the makeup. She's actually even more stunning without it.