
WHO do we think should be cast for the miniseries

I was going to say, "Get new friends!" but then she was all, "I knew what was happening, hee hee!" and thought, "Time to go on the wagon, lady."

I realize her personality may be, say, LACKING, but I love seeing someone with such a strong Middle Eastern look on the cover of another magazine. Yeah short non-white non-skinny girls with hips and boobs!
Also, she should stop it with the makeup. She's actually even more stunning without it.


Fun Fact: My parents saw this on their first date.

I know she's only a little baby; but I want to strangle ariana grande a bit.

*standing ovation*

Unless it was necessary

He was acting in defense of another.

Nephew was not charged with anything. +1 for the police this time around.

I was also a vegan on WW and I found it to be an unbalanced diet. They really want you to give up all carbs, and on the other hand the rules for veggies and fruit in the new system were WAY too permissive.

The only time I was ever truly successful at weight loss, and keeping it off for any length of time, was on WW.

Hm, not that impressive. Two better revenge stories:

Exactly. I didn't take away Santa's gift, but I am currently dangling the family gifts because as soon as they got their Santa gifts, 2 out of 3 of my kids decided they could be little shits since Santa was no longer watching.

I am a fan of the sentiment, but I'd personally put it in a locked location and negotiate X days of good behavior to get it back, rather than return it. Give them something to work for, you know?

As much as people bash on Philly, Philadelphians are really community oriented and helpful. Philly folks are nice folks.

Ahhh I like them all and a good lifetime movie hate watch. I'm in. Me and a bottle of something alcoholic.