I'm just going to have to appreciate HANNIBAL a little more since it keeps getting passed by. — Hey! How is THE AFFAIR? General public opinion?
I'm just going to have to appreciate HANNIBAL a little more since it keeps getting passed by. — Hey! How is THE AFFAIR? General public opinion?
You make a good point! My biggest red flag in all of it was the juror talking about how seriously they weighed the fact that Adnan didn't testify, despite being instructed not to consider it. Why can't people follow fucking instructions?
My opinion varies week to week. I should DEFINITELY not be chosen for any juries. Playing Devil's Advocate: even if he DID do it, I still think it was a shoddy conviction. The trial was filled with holes. Waiting for Thursday is hard, but not as hard as being dead or being in prison. I can't complain.
^ Fucking THIS. ^
NGL, a lot of these were on our list. Thankfully we went with a lesser used name! Not that these are bad, but it sucks to be the third kid in class with the same name.
I'd give you a high five, but I'd have to get up.
The Thing That Ate Jake Gyllenhaal
Does Keisten Stewart give anyone else strong gay vibes? Not in that she is gay — in that I feel very lesbiany when I see her. Mrowr.
That is true love!
This little guy is ahead of the game.
I'm pretty sure this would work on me at 34. YES to cheese, sir. YES to robots.
The further I get from high school, the happier I am. 30s have been infinitely better than 20s. I really hope I can raise my kids to value things like books and people and time more than likes and comments. I'm trying.
You're right. I'm definitely back-peddling from my initial statement, clearly I didn't put a ton of thought into it.
I hit ALL the Whammies on the pregnancy board
I was head-to-toe pupps rash and stretch marks by that point, with hip joints that had devolved into a play-dough substance. I'm thinking she looks fantastic.
Just checking back on my notifications, aaaaand. I'm an idiot. Alright. Okay, I get it, everyone. I get it. I was just offering a cheeky opinion, I didn't mean to bring down The System.
I do appreciate this level of sinister trickery. I do not feel bad for Wal*Mart's profits, as I'm sure they're a big boy and can handle a bit of technically-okay grifting. I think I'm okay with this.
"I feel like I failed to protect* Anna."
I'm just saying, for the record, that opening your mouth to say something positive about equal rights makes you instantly at least 20% more fuckable.