
I'm insane with jealousy. I got married so young, I wasn't even a fully realized person yet, and I definitely wasn't comfortable with myself enough to have a "this is me!" party of any kind. It's been 14 years now, and if we ever decide to be THOSE PEOPLE and renew our vows, we'll certainly be taking a page from your

I don't watch the show (except for in clips on The Soup) — has a person of color cracked the top five on either this or The Bachelorette?

That is remarkable. She's stunning.

She's a beautiful person. I appreciate that she's lovely on the outside, but I also find her compelling when she speaks. She seems very real.

I used to be with it, but then they changed what IT was. Now what I'm with isn't IT, and what's IT seems weird and scary to me... and it'll happen to you, too.

Ha ha. Well done, sir.

Well, now you have my attention.


I'm not sure if I'll watch or not, but it's nice to see ANY production of ANYTHING stateside in which an Asian man can be the romantic lead instead of being downgraded to a supporting character.

GROSS TMI (QUASI-RELATED): I only saw this movie once as a kid — on video, at a friend's house —and was loving it when we paused it for me to go to the bathroom. I got the shock of my young life. The toilet was completely FILLED with blood. I screamed, and my friend was all, "Oh. THAT. We don't flush unless we have

Thank you for sharing this. I was feeling deeply jaded this morning catching up on the craptacular whirlwind of shitty, horrible news — I suddenly remember that not EVERYTHING is awful out there. There are some genuinely caring people left. I don't mean famous people, or big profile people doing good — there are

I enjoy ranch with my pizza sometimes. I've heard from my out of town friends that the ranch/pizza thing is strictly "a southern thing" — I'm not sure I believe them. Can you confirm the marriage of pizza and ranch in northern states? Or IS it a southern-thing?

Not food service related, but restaurant related. I had a friend who would eat his pancakes from the top down. As in, he'd butter and syrup a stack like normal, but then he'd wait for the top layer to get soggy. He'd ever so carefully scrape the side of his fork across the surface of the uppermost pancake removing

I'm not proud of this. I moved my desk to DIRECTLY in front of the restrooms, then I started just going in there after everyone. Like some kind of fecal narc.

Yes, I'm aware of how stupid that sounded. I just had to say it. :)


Not I! ...and eeeeeuuuchh at the idea of two poop bandits. <_<

I worked for a fairly major news publication on both the advertising production end as well as the editorial photo desk for close to a decade. For over a year, we had a Serial Pooper in the women's restroom.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

A snake fell on my head once. All I'm saying is that having a snake fall on your head is never something you expect to happen.