
On the other hand localizing it would cost them practically nothing so it would still be a net gain.

I always had a feeling the blocks were on a timer. I did not know max was 16 coins. I think I maybe got above 10 one or twice but I usually didn’t bother with them too much unless I was playing lost levels.

I’m really glad this game has local coop. Its pretty much an essential feature for a Musou game imo.

The tiny knight on the tiny horse was all ‘clop clop clop clop clop’.

Elden Ring might be the one game where I genuinely want horse armor.

When people go off like this all I can picture is a tiny chiwawa barking.

I’d rather support a website that just took Logan Paul and locked him in a vault.

If you gave her the third grape you got past the bug.  They guy who drops it never appears for quite a few people.

I mean, I appreciate the thought behind Portal but there are hardly any players even in the main modes atm. Recently you can sit on the loading screen for 30+ min because they refuse to launch the game unless it has x players even though they fill the rest in with bots. I was trying to be supportive up until I read

For Portal there is, but not for the main game modes.

You know what the real problem is? It is that there is no server browser so no one can play on the maps they prefer. In addition to this they have generalized the vehicle ratio on every map so that it is the same. In old games players could play on the infantry or vehicle centric maps that they prefer but now that is

Even less vehicles? The whole point of the BF series (imo) was asymmetrical vehicle gameplay. They might as well just remove vehicles entirely and change the game into a walking simulator.

I’m happy to see they’re going with a 2D style art direction.

I’ll just happily stick with the ‘basic bitch’ plan.

I just want them to fix the Hyetta quest bug.

I think Bandai is going be okay.

I hope he sees that rectangle in his dreams.

Its annoying that there is not an option for getting the ps1-ps3 games without the other two teirs.  Also that you have to stream them is bad form.  I'd prefer buying them and downloading them.

I want to know how well the foliage interacts with objects pushing thought it. I have seen foliage deformation in some games but the exact titles are not coming to mind.