
Horse pro-tip: the double jump does not negate fall damage at all, despite looking like it should.  

White hatting is fine, but this guy is a but hole.

I think 2042 could be saved, but it would take an FF14 style overhaul and I don’t think EA is going to bother.

I am surprised Atari has enough money to buy a footlong sub.

I personally prefer no explanation to over explanation. There have been many games that burn me out with mandatory tutorials. Optional tutorials are fine, and I suppose there could have been more of those in the game.

Praise the Menu Explanation!

I imagine the amount of good will they gained outweighs the bad.

Even when you have an established formula like Battlefield games suffer from ‘design by comity more than other media.

I got the impression that Elden Ring might be a good entry point the for series.

I got the impression that Elden Ring might be a good entry point the for series.

I actually liked the melee combat in Mirror’s Edge.

I can’t wait to never have to see this guy’s face again.

Automated management would solve so many problems and would be an extraordinary improvement.  Automated CEOs as well please.

I imagine the reason may be related to file size. 48 courses with high res textures would probably decimate most current switch storage.

I hope they incorporate some of the army commands and management you see in some of the empires musou games to give it some of that strategy vibe.  Also local co-op is a must.  

That explains a lot actually.

Well maybe they should add a mechanic where it rains and then you can’t climb at all without slipping and just have to wait on a ledge for half an hour until the rain stops.

I suppose it hasn’t it occurred to the angry ‘fans’ that maybe if the creator takes a break it will give him time to recharge and think of good ideas.  I think 20+ years of constant content might have spoiled some people.  

There is no reason to literally work people to death when practically working people to death will suffice.

I am just taking a wild guess that Mr. Mime’s Japanese name was not gendered and it was a translation oversight.

They did a good job building up the prelaunch hype and then they really dropped the ball. This game could have greatly benefited from a significant delay and much more beta testing.