Add Tina Fey into that scene and it would be my ultimate dream BFF trifecta. Now excuse me while I watch it at least 27 more times.
Add Tina Fey into that scene and it would be my ultimate dream BFF trifecta. Now excuse me while I watch it at least 27 more times.
Right?! Can you imagine having to go shopping every other day for pants to accommodate differing levels of thigh gapdom?
Yea, I thought that one was a stretch.
To be fair, I'm starting to think she just doesn't own pants.
Ugh, no. They were mostly awful. I have one good friend that came of it and we both hated it. So… at least there's that??
Fuck off.
I'm sending you all the luck thru the interwebs!
I've been in the same industry for a while now, and I've found that the difference from the jobs I love and the jobs I loathe are management. If management cares about their employees and treats them well, they tend to be happier. But, that's me.
To be fair, I was in a sorority in college and I did this a lot. But that was because I quickly became aware of what a bunch of fat shaming, racist and classist horrible shit people most of my sisters were, but I still needed a place to live. Love and AOT, bitches!
I have ALWAYS been obsessed with Blair Waldorf's eyebrows. I'm so glad that they're getting widespread internet love. Also, her lips. She's just so pretty!
You know, I would make fun of him but listening to his hippie happy music while on the beach in Menemsha while sipping on beers, eating as many quahogs as I can stuff into my face and watching the sunset makes me not able to make fun of him. You keep on doin you, Jack
happy birthday!!!!! Here are very many puppies
Omg this photo made my ovaries skip a beat
Nothing to do with the app itself, but still relevant… if I'm walking alone at night, I'll stop at a deli and get a large hot tea. I figure scalding hot water would be a good weapon to fight off rapists and attackers.
Ramen can be anything you want it to be. It can even be burger buns
Swear to god I will even go to the bodega down the street and get shitty packets of top ramen to quench this insatiable ramen craving this creepster gave me
If this didn't sound so murdery, I would do it strictly to eat my way out of a bathtub full of ramen.
100% agree. I feel like he's been playing a very limited role this season compared to the last two. The conspiracy theorist in me decided that this is why and he'll be killed off sooner rather than later