
60 to 100 bucks, you say. Uh huh. So you get to walk around looking like you've got six big flash drives hanging from your neck. That's... not super-appealing. And most of those tools are hardly life-savers. One's just a batch of hex wrench holes, another just has two screwdriver heads on it. And you might

Not all of the German troops drank the kool-aid. The leadership was batshit insane, and there was plenty of encouragement for the troops to follow their example, but most of the troops were just like everyone else who fought in that war: a kid who'd been handed a gun and told it was to protect his country. The

I've never seen nicer than DC's in the US. Though in honesty I don't so much consider DC to be extraordinary as I consider the others to be substandard. Anyone building a subway that is not at least as nice as the DC metro needs to be fired.

Only honey bees, much like honey badgers, don't give a shit about people. Unless the trespassers run up to the hive and start banging on it, the odds of the bees picking a fight with them is pretty much nil.

Whitelist in your script blocker.

I took one. Sort of a prerequisite for that computer engineering degree. I don't actually know why it's a prerequisite, given that the one important thing I learned from statistics is that statistics is the language of lies and ultimately meaningless.

How is it that this guy's got a star when I've been posting for years and have nothing?

It would only be rocky for the length of time required to get production ramped back up. The US used to produce the majority of the products it consumed, it has the raw materials to do so again without expensive imports being an insurmountable barrier.

They have a few of those in the MGM Grand casino in Vegas. They're all interactive ads instead of pure art, sadly, but they're fun to play with.

Do yourselves a favor and don't buy a HP laptop, even a shiny new one. In my shop we get in at least one totally dead HP a week, far more than any other brand. Those things go through motherboards like potato chips.

Clearly what he's implying is that somebody shot lasers at the tortoises which caused one to turn into a different species. Jeez, at least try to keep up. This is SCIENCE. The way you talk makes me think you haven't even purchased the fuel-economy circuit sticker to put on your car's gas tank so you can go 5,000

Um. Maybe in this instance the camera would be better served by detecting when the subject is covered in blood and calling the police for you before the zombie child gets you!

It's the cleavage in boob plates that's always struck me as stupid. The armor curving a little further outward up top to make room for boobs made perfect sense, but trying to fit each boob in a metal dome just seemed very uncomfortable.

Wow. I'm glad nobody got hurt, and hope this doesn't screw over the show. Some insurance agent out there has just gotten the phone call that heralds a very very bad day for him.

The physical structure of his brain would be the same, but that's no guarantee of smartness, much less his degree of genius. The brain develops with use, so if the clone plopped down in front of the TV for thirty years he may have the world's most encyclopedic knowledge of sitcoms and not much else. It's a safe bet

The Garand is also an unstoppable juggernaut of sturdiness. It's a safe bet that after the inevitable zompocalypse, M1s will outlive other, newer rifles.

Shotguns are terrible anti-zombie weapons anyways. You want to destroy the brain with one shot, and pellets just aren't going to do it. You could load slugs, but I wouldn't trust the accuracy of them at any sort of range, while a shotgun's rate of fire and ammo capacity are abysmal.

That's incorrect, as even a cursory glance into the civil rights protests could show you. Rosa Parks broke the law. The guys who went to sit at the whites-only counter at that diner broke the law. Peaceful demonstration can very easily break the law, because as soon as a demonstration proves even mildly

There are dealers of weapon antiquities around the world, they're just uncommon and can be pricey. I have a wakizashi from the 16th century from a dealer in London that didn't involve an arm and a leg, and because US soldiers looted Japan of its swords after WWII you can occasionally find one in some out of the way

No. The steels used in katanas are optimized for slashing, blended to give the blade enough toughness to hold its edge and slice through tougher stuff, while the core of the sword is a softer steel to absorb impacts without cracking. A fencing sword is subject to totally different stresses due to the fact that it's