
So Warframe called, they want their design theme back. Not so much in the varia suit design, but very much in the environments and robots.

So in a game where you can randomly shoot people in the head and then ram the ambulance until it catches on fire and explodes with all of the rescue workers inside, we're going to complain about the portrayal of women.

I'll take the virus site, thanks.

The lesson to learn from this is that suckers will give any government any sweeping power that it wants as long as it claims it needs it to fight child porn. Next week the NSA will rename PRISM to Anti-Child Porn Task Force.

Bogus. Microsoft is proposing to act exactly like Steam through the current implementation of a digital store. Our bright digital future has not be cruelly snuffed out by evil people who dared to actually want to own the games they buy on disk. If you want the bright digital future, buy the games over the internet.

Math is approximations and shortcuts when it comes to trying to describe real world subjects. Find a circular plate. Its circumference will not be pi times twice its radius, because it will not be a perfect circle. It will be close to 2*pi*R, it will not be precisely that. All of calculus about figuring rates of

I disagree. I remember a magazine cover from a few years back, I think it was Time, where they stuffed a few hundred pictures into a computer and had it spit out a composite image of a blended-up humanity, and the skin tone on the resulting person was the same tan-ish color you see in the drawing.

Am I alone in being horrified by Bill Trinen's dead, dead eyes? Occasionally they seem angry, but now and then they seem filled with the most profound grief.

Oh this is very true. I never actually expected better of Jezebel or any Gawker site. It's when the "lololololmenlol" stops and the "we're SUPER serious now, and doing serious important things and serious champions for equality" starts that I start to get irked. I can laugh at the one, and I would welcome the

If Jezebel in general and you in particular made even a cursory effort to address all gender problems instead of solely female ones, I'd be much more inclined to believe your claims of desiring actual equality. However, I've yet to read even one Jezebel article about equality. Read several saying that feminism is

Yes, let's send rapists to a place where they'll learn to be SUPER VIOLENT, then release them back into the streets a few years later with any last vestige of humanity crushed out of them. There's no way that could go wrong.

You are not qualified to commit libel and ruin a family's financial livelihood because your feelings hurt. That's not a woman thing, or a man thing, it's a grown-up thing, and this woman very much deserved to lose her PR job when she proved she couldn't behave like a grown-up. Especially given that this behavior of

Yes, those rape apologists would be up in arms if it happened to a boy because they're woman-haters and and um the patriatchy!!!11!1omg

Yes, let's ask "Why?" Specifically, "Why would somebody ask for money to broadcast accusations that a beloved pastime is rife with hatred?"

So, pardon my ignorance here, but isn't avoiding the compromise of private keys the entire point of public-key cryptography? Why are places storing private keys instead of storing public keys? It seems to me that the wisest service would be one that stores its users public keys, then if Bob and Alice want to

Irony is, it's actually a fantastic photo. The juxtaposition of the landscape around the scope with the magnified view inside it is a great effect. If that photo had been taken by anyone other than an active duty military person in a violent area of the world, I'm betting that most peoples' comments about it would

My aunt got a couple of these when she was in China, and they're horrible harbingers of fire and death. The thing fired off okay, but then began melting on the cake.

So, yeah. All of the Borderlands characters with redneck bumpkin speech = A-OK. One character with bad ebonics = OMG RACIST. Gotcha.

And yet again Gawker writers expose nothing but their own ignorance of anything that exists outside the US. Great job finding "slurs" that are normal innocent words in other languages. Well, except for that last one. But given that the username appears to be "foxnewsnetwork", probably safe to assume that it's a

USAA won't let me use the phone or scanner deposit, as I am a second-class customer. Everyone in my family who served in the military was inconsiderate enough to have died, and without a living relative to sign up with them they would only give me the gimp level account.