
I find RFID to be the more convenient technology for the future; being able to simply wave your phone over something is a vast step up over having to fiddle with the camera. That said, RFID is far more complex and expensive to deploy than simply printing a big square on something, so I can see the benefits of QR.

I support this new law and encourage everybody to start their own websites with a TOS that includes, "...and any member of the US Department of Justice shall purchase a dildo of not less than twenty-four inches in length and preferably named something norse like Thor or Mjolnir, and insert it rectally." Then wait for

No, it won't. There is no navigation functionality built into iOS, which is a big part of why I got a droid instead. As much traveling as I need to do for my job, any phone I get has to have good navigation support.

The fact that it's exactly like every game ever made is in fact precisely my point; playing it up as a revolutionary step forward in MMOGs when it's really a coat of paint over the same stuff everyone's seen before makes little sense. But thank you for missing my point and calling me a jackass.

...which doesn't matter, given that Google Voice is better. Try telling Siri, "Navigate to apple store." and see where it gets you.

Yes, you get to explore the galaxy with a story that's just for you! (And the hundreds of thousands of other people who are playing the same character.) Other MMOGs are fairly rife with character-specific quests, that alone isn't a big deal although EA has taken a nice step further than most. In order to really

When I was young and stupid and it was BBSes instead of Facebook, I was similarly cavalier about personal information. What'd I care, there were no real consequences to me doing whatever. Or at least I didn't think there were consequences, so effectively the same thing! It was all just a big online party. I shared

That's because middle schoolers are idiots. I don't mean that in a 'kids these days...' way, but in a very literal sense, they're utterly stupid. I get at least one person a week dragging in a computer that is busy transmitting all of their credit card info to backwaterstan because their mouth-breathing children put

The only thing they're inheriting is the absolute loss of control over their data. And the first time someone's naked cellphone pics winds up stored in someone else's servers and shared over the internet, they're going to start seeking ways to turn off their new magical future and seek some way to maintain control on

iClown is the future of all living. You may have thought you had a life before iClown, and you were wrong. What does iClown do? Nobody knows. iClown comes into your home and does things while you aren't there. Important things. iClown takes your belongings and moves them away to another person's house to store

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It's this. I had one too, they were sweet.

Google voice actions just called, it wanted to welcome you all to last year and asked that I pass on the following message: "When that copycatting bitch Apple lets you open a free navigator with voice, then I'll start to take them seriously."

Yes, flying is a right. It falls under the liberty part of 'life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness'. One of the long-established aspects of liberty is the right to travel within the borders of your country as you see fit without going through undue restriction in the process. Having a goon touch your penis is

It's not 3D hologram technology. There's a transparent screen on the stage that they're being projected on ala perfectly normal 2D movie projection tech. The trick is being pulled off very well to make the illusion of a hologram, but it's still just a trick.

My latest blood test came in at 5.9, so normal not-diabeetus levels. I'm still taking one metformin pill a day; when I tried to cut it completely my glucose started inching back up to the 100s. If I exercised more, I could probably ditch the medication entirely.

I was working at WIRED during Chris Anderson's famous plagiarism scandal, and even after Anderson owned up for what ended up being a mistake, trolls across the Internet started digging up all sorts of dirt on him.

But if the kidnappers forced you into a walmart the RFID would totally set off the shoplifting sensors and you'd be saved! Well worth the five grand.

If I could give stars, you would get one for that, good sir. Well played!

And nothing of value was lost. I visited that casino/mall-thing last year and the place was just plain boring. You have casinos like Wynn's that go all out glitz, casinos with a strong theme like Caesar's, casinos that are shamelessly campy like TI, and that one was none of those things. It was okay but not

Walther's PPS is also pretty dandy as light portable pistols go.