
They're jellyfish, they don't care. They're essentially mobile plants for all the nervous system they possess. As long as they're being fed, they're having a good day.

The Deploy is a terrible gun, you're vastly better off with pretty much any of the magazine-fed nerf guns. The Recon, the Alpha Trooper, and the Raider are all better bets. The Stampede is hands-down best, but pricey on account of being full auto and on the big and clunky side.

Open carry is, to the best of my knowledge, legal nation-wide in the US. The trick is that most private property (such as the malls that apple stores reside in) have a posted no weapons policy, so even a person who would be legally armed out on the street would still be breaking the law by carrying it into the store.

Christians who think for themselves and actually read the Bible will hopefully come to the conclusion that Paul's writings are not the divine word of God and should not be treated as such. Paul was bringing his own perspective to the table when he wrote his letters, and that perspective has some visible prejudices.

Given how hard it can be to make out the writing that was carved an inch deep into tombstones just a century ago, I have some grave doubts about how long something etched a couple of millimeters into the stone can last.

Yes, it's almost as if horrible tentacled abominations that ruled this planet long before mankind's first tremulous steps were surfacing to abduct people as they sleep. There to drag them down, down into stygian depths of madness and vivisection.

The Advanced made it into production, they just weren't being given to any pilots that weren't aces. There was never a question that the Empire could make better fighters, it simply didn't care to, as it did not give a damn about its pilots dying in fireballs.

Enterprise was my handle in the local BBSes back in the 90s. Later I sort of figured that naming a person after a vehicle was on the silly side of things, so it got left by the wayside.

You should have sympathy, as this is a stone's throw away from "video games make people into crazed murderers". A drawing doesn't make someone a rapist any more than shooting someone in CoD makes someone dangerous. It is not even vaguely prosecution-worthy.

The thing that the articles are neglecting is that "lulz" isn't just laughter, it's a particularly nihilistic flavor of laughter. It's the bitter laughter at one's self after doing something stupid and being burned. It's the mean laughter at other peoples' misfortune.

@BigManMalone: This guy isn't a PSN hacker who attacked Sony, he's one of the people who worked on restoring the PS3's ability to have Linux installed.

We had those two decades ago in the boy scouts. They were made of wood and cost like ten bucks. Not including the stove.

@RevengencerAlf: First, please consult your dictionary for the definition of "terror". I don't think it means what you think it means. A terrorist, by gist of the name, is attempting to provoke terror by hurting citizens. A person attacking a government's computer is not terrorizing anybody.

@The Werewolf: No, the antimatter reaction is for the warp drive and primary ship power. He's right, the impulse engines are using fusion. There are several fusion engines sprinkled around the Enterprise-D, for example, as backup power generation.

@RainyDayInterns: If you were only extracting protein from the poop to provide the new protein, you'd eventually run out. However, supplementing with protein from other sources it could go on more or less perpetually.

There are three rebuttals that come to mind:

@pmankow: Yes, how dare anybody protest when the government, which is supposed to be accountable to the people, goes vastly out of its way to obfuscate data before submitting it for the review by the people.

I went to the doctor a few months ago over some inexplicable weight loss I'd experienced. Turns out I was diabetic. Yeah, diabetes can cause weight loss, who knew? Surprise to me too.

In other news, Steve Ballmer appeared for a Friday press conference with mysterious bruises and lacerations, concerning reporters. When asked about his injuries, Mister Ballmer would only laugh quietly and mumble, "I got 'em good this time."