Hey, a TSA machine that doesn't seem built for the purpose of evil. Which means that next month we'll find out that the thing not only gives you rectal cancer, it follows you home after the airport's closed and molests your children.
Hey, a TSA machine that doesn't seem built for the purpose of evil. Which means that next month we'll find out that the thing not only gives you rectal cancer, it follows you home after the airport's closed and molests your children.
@EvilDroidClone2: The days of Microsoft being a security joke ended with Vista's release. They're very much on the ball now. Which doesn't help all the poor suckers still running XP, but at this point they sort of deserve it.
@Faxmonkey: No. Gawker's passwords were encrypted, the problem was that they were encrypted with a crappy scheme that was not difficult to break. But even crappy encryption is a world separate from having everything hanging out there in plain text.
@Kaiser-Machead: CRAB BATTLE!
Nooooooo. e=mc^2, my friend. If every power plant on Earth was being used to convert energy to matter at an impossible 100% efficiency, the resulting matter would be approximately one gram per minute. So in approximately 689 billion years, we'd finish making that cubic centimeter of super dense stuff.
Motorola locked the X, but the day the X2 hit the shelves there was already a working root program for it. So yeah, locking the bootloaders isn't really slowing anybody down!
Folks, they can't make matter out of nothing. There's no way for them to accidentally make forty billion tons of this stuff without having first stuffed over forty billion tons worth of source material into the collider. Depending on the efficiency loss of the conversion, maybe way more than forty billion tons. The…
No, the LCD on the original nook was a little touchscreen below the main e-ink display. It let you have color and animation and touchscreeniness while keeping the benefit of the e-ink. It wasn't meant for you to read the book on the LCD.
I was hoping for just a faster and lighter version of the original nook. I liked the promise that the LCD screen held for it, it was just underpowered.
@Prismatist: I 'feel' the presence of nearby things in the dark. If I'm standing next to a wall it feels like a faint static-y pressure against my face. I've never tried making noises to enhance the effect, and if I'm moving at anything faster than a careful walk I won't notice something in time to avoid smacking…
$429. For a computer with netbook guts running a stripped-down OS. I'm not seeing the allure.
Cracking wifi encryption isn't just brute-forcing the key, which would take nearly forever. The attacker records the traffic they observe going over the air and uses known quantities about the packets to narrow down the possible key considerably. I don't know the practical nuts and bolts behind attacking WPA2, but…
@salt_bagel: I haven't watched the video, but it strikes me that telling someone that cops are coming is not necessarily a friendly warning. It can be a threat and an attempt to make someone stop what they're doing and go away.
I've actually read a compelling argument that you're wiser to not have a secure network for that very reason. Thing is, most wireless encryption isn't that hard to break, especially WEP. But not everybody knows the fact. So if the cops come and kick down your door, and you tell them you have an unsecure network and…
@quesoesbueno59: The right to privacy is in the third amendment. [en.wikipedia.org]
The video is a lie. CCP is notorious for making these sweeping, stupendous videos and then utterly failing to deliver on the gameplay implied in said videos. Don't be fooled.
I hope it includes instructions in several languages to not use the stove inside the tent. Carbon monoxide poisoning gets a few boy scouts every year when they put a stove or lantern inside their tent and run out of oxygen.
@Richard Servello: Catholic confessionals don't usually keep detailed notes on the confessions made within. E-meter sessions do. So if you happened to mention cheating on your spouse at one, you'd better stay on Scientology's good side if you don't want that coming to light down the road.
@Fuzzy Logic: If you want to see a plethora of very valid reasons to single out Scientology, read the New Yorker article that's linked to in a few of the comments.